« Απάντηση #8 στις: Ιουνίου 16, 2012, 13:43:04 »
Μας απάντησαν1... στην ερώτηση μας, πως μπορούν να βοηθήσουν κάποιον ασθενή πάσχοντα από καρκίνο, και όπως βλέπουμε, δυστυχώς, χρειάζεται κανείς να δαπανήσει, αρκετές χιλιάδες ευρώ, για να βρει την θεραπεία του. Μάλλον, οι φτωχοί απλά εξαιρούνται... ΝΤΡΟΠΗ! Σίγουρα υπάρχουν και καλύτεροι τρόποι και αυτοί βρίσκονται στις κατάλληλες φυσικές τροφές, διότι οι σωστές τροφές, και φυσικές ουσίες είναι φάρμακα. Ο καθένας μας, χρειάζεται να κάνει την έρευνά του, και όλοι μαζί μπορούμε να συμβάλλουμε έτσι ώστε το "εμπόριο σαρκός" των φαρμακοβιομηχανιών να σταματήσει.
1Dear Prospective Patient,
Thank you for your inquiry. Treatment at the Burzynski Clinic is
focused on individual patient's needs. All patients have to come
to Houston for consultation with Dr. Burzynski, where personalized,
individual treatment plan will be formulated. Consultation takes
about 2 days, the treatment requires to stay in Houston for about
2 to 3 weeks on an outpatient basis.
Phase II clinical trials of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) have
been successfully completed. Currently, we are in the process of
organizing phase III clinical trials, which will begin later this year.
Due to that the patient will not be involved in the clinical trial, but
we may offer personalized cancer treatment based on genomic
testing, also known as targeted therapy.
We are designing personalized treatment plan for every patient because
everybody is different. In order to get the most beneficial, most effective
treatment, we need genomic testing through the entire genome of 24,000 genes.
It is done not by us, but by Caris Life Sciences lab in Phoenix, Arizona.
The laboratory will conduct, across the entire cancerous genome, microarray
testing for gene expression followed by mutational analysis, FISH, and IHC
for selected genes. The testing will provide a selection of targeted agents,
which are associated with clinical benefit as well as agents associated with
lack of clinical benefit. Based on these results, we can prepare a treatment plan.
They charge around 6,000.00 US dollars and the results are ready in 3 weeks.
The patient's physician or clinic sends pathology slides/blocks directly to
the lab and the patient pays directly to them. We will gladly guide you
through this. General info is attached. When you are ready ask for forms.
It can be done in advance, before you come to the clinic, so on arrival
your treatment plan will be almost ready.
If there is no pathology tissue available, we will do some genetic tests on blood
samples upon arrival.
Majority of patients receive sodium phenylbutyrare, aminoacids,
aminoacids' derivative and vitamins in combination with newest generation
of gene targeting drugs (mostly given orally).
Currently, we do offer a wide variety of therapies for patients with various
forms of cancer. All of our primary medications generally work in the same
way, but the manner in which they are administered may be different
depending on which medication is offered. The personalized therapies can
be used at any stage in a patient's cancer. We treat patients from the earliest
stages to the most advanced stages where the cancer has metastasized to
other organs.
Because it is a targeted therapy, it does not matter where the cancer has
spread because it shuts the cancer down at the DNA level. However, there
are some physical requirements that our doctors have put in place to
determine if our therapies are suitable for a particular cancer patient. First,
the patient must have been diagnosed with a malignant cancer as indicated
by a pathology report. Therefore, each patient must have had a biopsy at some
point in his or her cancer history. This will help our doctors to recommend the
most suitable therapies for the patient and also in determining the patient's
dosage levels in a more efficient manner. Next, a patient must be up and
around and not bedridden and able to care for himself/herself.
Another requirement is that the patient must be strong enough to travel and
in a stable physical condition. If the patient is very advanced and travel may
be questionable, the patient must be cleared for travel by a physician prior to
coming. If a patient is not strong enough for travel, then the patient is not
strong enough for the therapies. If the patient had surgery recently, he/she
would need to recover before coming to our clinic to start therapy.
Having previous therapy or surgery is not a requirement at the clinic.
In fact, our therapies can be administered before, after, or even
during any other therapy. Our oral therapies can be done in
conjunction with traditional therapies such as chemotherapy as well.
However, our primary medications are not a form of chemotherapy or
radiation. We use a targeted non-toxic therapy, which works by
affecting the cancer cells at the genetic level. It does this without
harming normal cells or healthy tissue. Therefore, there are virtually
no side effects involved in our therapies. In addition, it works in
a systemic manner so it does not matter if the cancer has spread.
Final determination of which program would be the most suitable and
beneficial for the patient will be done during consultation visit. The
doctors make recommendations on which of our therapies they feel
is most suitable for you based on your medical history and evaluation
at the clinic. Each patient has an individualized treatment regime, which
can consist of a combination of therapies. Eligibility for any open trials
is determined at the consultation. If you decide to initiate therapy,
then you can start the very next day unless additional testing is needed.
Whenever you decide to initiate therapy, the doctors would ask you to
stay in Houston for about 2 to 3 weeks on an outpatient basis. This time
is spent so that you can become stabilized on the prescribed medications.
Once your optimal dosage level has been determined, you may take a
supply of the medications and resume therapy from home. Each month,
a new supply of medications and supplies will be sent to you for
continued therapy. Many of our patients are on some sort of oral
therapies so it's not anything too invasive or difficult to handle while you
are at home. The average treatment time for most patients generally ranges
from 4 to 12 months. There are periodic follow-up visits scheduled about
every 2 months so that the doctors can monitor your progress. The doctors
should be able to see how well the medication is working by the first
follow-up visit.
For consultation, patient has to bring the following, most current, medical records:
- pathology report(s),
- any pertinent CT/MRI/PET/bone scans - written reports and films,
- summary of previous treatments (see PPF below),
- any consultation and surgery reports the patient may have had,
- recent blood and urine tests results.
For now please fax written reports of the above for an initial evaluation.
Fax number: 713 335-5601, e-mail: inter.adam@burzynskiclinic.com
Cost and fees structure:
1. Amount due at the time of consultation is as follows:
- $1,250.00 - which covers the initial evaluation & consultation appointment
- $4,000.00 - required for lab work
2. If Caris lab requested:
- $6,000.00 - paid directly to Caris.
3. After Dr Burzynski reviews results of genetic tests and determines your course
of treatment a $10,000.00 deposit will be due to start basic treatment.
4. The cost od additional medications can be very high. That's why we do not
know the exact cost of treatment until these medications have been prescribed.
(Estimated cost for these medications can range between $7,000.00 - $15,000.00
per month).
5. When you are discharged to go home the monthly case management fee will
be $4,500 for basic treatment. Additional medication cost as above. From our
experience, the treatment regimen may last between 4 to 12 months on average
for the majority of our patients.
Patients who would like to schedule an appointment should give the clinic
at least 1 to 2 weeks notice. The only waiting factor is how long it takes to
obtain the necessary medical records and films from the clinics and/or hospitals
that have been treating you. Medical records along with the completed patient
enrollment forms that are included in the informational packets that clinic sends
out to the patient should be forwarded to our clinic at least 3 to 4 business days
prior to the desired appointment day. This gives us time to put them together and
the doctors can review the records so that they can be ready for your arrival.
On the day of the appointment, you will need to hand carry your most recent films
so the doctors can examine them. If you have all of the needed medical records
and films, an appointment can be set within a few days.
For details and/or for an appointment contact me at 713 335-5601 Mon. - Fri.
10:00 am - 4:30 pm Houston time (US CDT) that is 17:00 - 23:30 Central Europe
Time. My e-mail again: inter.adam@burzynskiclinic.com
For more info about our clinic and therapy, please visit our web sites at:
and our patients' web site at:
« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Ιουνίου 18, 2012, 23:35:00 από Rose »
