Αποστολέας Θέμα: Απαντήσεις  (Αναγνώστηκε 32751 φορές)


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« στις: Απριλίου 12, 2009, 01:49:18 »
Για απαντήσεις θα μας βοηθήσει ο Lousifer

« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Απριλίου 12, 2009, 01:56:24 από SERAPIS »
Per aspera ad astra


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« Απάντηση #1 στις: Απριλίου 12, 2009, 01:59:51 »
Ευχαριστώ τον Αδελφό Serapis Παραθέτω τεκμήρια


Δείτε εδώ, γνωρίζουμε πολλά περισότερα


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« Απάντηση #2 στις: Απριλίου 12, 2009, 02:03:28 »
υπάρχουν και άλλα που θα δοθούν εν το καιρό.


  • ΑΜΡΑ Σύμβουλος
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« Απάντηση #3 στις: Απριλίου 12, 2009, 02:07:05 »
Θα παρακαλούσα να μην τεθούν ερωτήσεις στον Lusifer, επικοινωνεί μόνο μαζί μου, τα στοιχεία του είναι άκρως απόρητα, ευχαριστώ.
Per aspera ad astra


  • Non certe haec sine numine Elohim
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    • MSN Messenger - zioncrossover@gmail.com
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« Απάντηση #4 στις: Απριλίου 12, 2009, 11:54:59 »
Πω πω!
Σαν μέλος του AMORC, αυτά τα βρίσκω πολύ ενδιαφέροντα, ειδικά όταν έχω εκδηλώσει και μία συμπάθεια προς την διδασκαλία του Crowley.
Θα τα τσεκάρω. Πρέπει νομίζω. Το ενδιαφέρον μου πολύ μεγάλο.
Πάντως Μπράβο! και στους 2 σας, μόνο και μόνο γτ μπήκα στην διαδικασία της σκέψης.
OTO στην Ελλάδα, επίσημα δεν παίζει. Γνωρίζετε καμμιά ιστορία πάνω σε αυτό το θέμα. Κίνηση για την δημιουργία του δεν έγινε ποτέ.
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam


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« Απάντηση #5 στις: Απριλίου 12, 2009, 13:53:04 »
Τα στοιχεία δίνονται , για να δείτε την καθαρότητα που πρεσβεύει το AMORC, και την καταγωγή του απο την Λευκή Αδελφότητα, του AKHENATON, κρίνετε μόνοι σας.

Όσο για το OTO υπάρχει ένα παρακλάδι στην Ελλάδα, και ασχολούνται και παλιά μέλη του Amorc, οι ίδιοι νομίζουν ότι είναι κρυφοί.
κρίνετε πάλι μόνοι σας.

Δείτε και την ομολογία του πρώιν Imperator Garry Stewart εδώ


Κρίνετε μόνοι σας
Αν θέλετε να το σοβαρέψουμε ακόμα πιό πολύ το θέμα δείτε εδώ.

Κρίνετε μόνοι σας.

Αν πάλι θέλετε ακόμα περισότερα, δείτε και εδώ


Δείτε  και εδώ την σχέση Ford, Lewis και Hitler

Κρίνετε μόνοι σας.

« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Απριλίου 12, 2009, 14:18:50 από Lusifer »


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« Απάντηση #6 στις: Απριλίου 13, 2009, 01:41:36 »

      Ordo Templi Orientis
      Spencer Lewis, Theodor Reuss, Aleister Crowley, Heinrich Traenker
      by P.R. Koenig

      Harvey Spencer Lewis
      The information in this chapter derives partly from a correspondence between myself, the A.M.O.R.C., and Robert Vanloo. An earlier version of Mr. Vanloo's article on the controversy around the 1915 document will be found in my book "Noch Mehr Materialien zum O.T.O.", while an updated version is online.

      Because the question of the A.M.O.R.C.'s Rosicrucian authenticity is irrelevant as far as the O.T.O. phenomenon goes, the associated arguments have been excluded here. [1]

      One of the pivotal points in a manifesto published by Robert Vanloo in February 1996 under the title of 'American Pronunziamento Number One', is whether the A.M.O.R.C. (Antiquus Mysticus Ordo Rosae Crucis) is a species of O.T.O. offshoot. [2]

      The relevant document that Vanloo unearthed at the New York Public Library only existed as a microfilm copy; it recorded a concordat between the A.M.O.R.C. and the O.T.O. in the year 1915, and is notable for having the term O.T.O. positioned in a frame in the actual body of the text. In reply to my query about this, on February 22nd 1999 the A.M.O.R.C. sent me a statement about the document, enclosing a photocopy of their version of the concordat preserved in their archives. This document's frame is quite empty of any reference to the O.T.O. It was also notable that neither version of the concordat gave an exact date (apart from February 1915), nor did they include the signature of H. Spencer Lewis, A.M.O.R.C.'s founder. The New York microfilmed version however does contain a marginal annotation in Lewis's handwriting, with the date February 8th written close by. The next image on this particular reel of microfilm is a handwritten letter from Lewis to a museum.

      This naturally raised the question of which O.T.O. branch Lewis might have been in touch with at this period - Reuss's or Crowley's. For the moment this could not be answered, although A.M.O.R.C. asserted that the microfilmed version with O.T.O. written in the margin was a forgery.

      In the course of my own researches I had come across documentation which referred to a projected collaboration in founding an Order by Reuss and Lewis in late 1921. A.M.O.R.C. eventually made a detailed account in their letter of February 22nd 1999.

      Firstly they categorically denied a claim made by Gary Stewart, a former leader of theirs, that Lewis and Reuss had already met in 1909, when Lewis was travelling from France to England. [3] They adduced as evidence that neither the passenger-manifest nor crew-list of the ship Lewis was on, the 'Amerika', showed anybody called Theodor Reuss, let alone a ship's steward named A. Reuss. But it should be noted that Reuss often called himself Albert Reuss according his complete mundane name Karl Albert Theodor Reuss.

      By 1920 there is no doubt Lewis had heard of Reuss, and the latter's Masonic Congress held at Zürich during the summer of that year. Via Reuss's protégé McBlain Thomson ("33°, 96°, IX°, Sov. Grand Master General and Grand President General" of Salt Lake City) [4] Lewis wrote to Reuss on December 28th 1920; he had to wait until June 19th 1921 for a reply, since in the interim Reuss had fallen out with Thomson. However, for Lewis's benefit, Reuss was now calling the O.T.O. the 'outer façade' of Rosicrucianism - which naturally intrigued Lewis, who was always on the look-out for genuine guaranteed Rosicrucians.

      In July 1921, thanks to Reuss, Spencer Lewis became an "Honorary Member [...] for Switzerland, Germany and Austria" with the degrees of 33°, 90°, 95°, and VII° - even though Lewis lived in the USA. Evidently, as there were already disagreements between Reuss and Crowley (who was the X° for Great Britain and Ireland), as well as Reuss and Jones (X° for the US since May 10th 1921), Lewis had no communication with the Crowleyan O.T.O..

      In September of that year Reuss and Lewis decided to give Rosicrucianism a new framework, in the form of something called 'The A.M.O.R.C. World Union Council', or TAWUC for short. Allied to this Reuss manufactured a dummy edition of an eponymous magazine, due to appear in October 1921; it publicised Reuss's own works on its book-review pages. [6] The name the magazine gave as TAWUC's contact is interesting: the IX° Andreas Ullmer, [7] which confirms the impression that the whole scheme had much more to do with Reuss than Lewis. Lewis certainly didn't agree with Reuss's book-reviews, where the latter had proclaimed that his sole intention was "to propagate the Saint [sic] gnostic Religion." Lewis's interest in the project rapidly dwindled, especially after August 9th 1921, when Reuss sent him a demand for more money towards the projected TAWUC magazine.

      Lewis was irritated at Crowley's promoting himself as the O.T.O.'s representative in the USA, and had previously denounced him as a fraudster in 1916. [8] Reuss now made great play of having ceased any contact with Crowley's magical son, C.S. Jones , and announcing that he had withdrawn Jones's authority to act in the O.T.O.'s name. The same went for Crowley, or so Reuss wrote in a letter to Lewis on October 25th 1921, in which he also bemoaned Lewis's lack of enthusiasm. Reuss, who had been active in the travel industry since 1909, and sat on the Munich Organising Committee of the Oberammergau Passion Plays, now felt able to announce a two-day Rosicrucian Convention on the same dates as the Passion Plays. [9] Lewis, again sensing that Reuss was mostly after money, gave his first reaction a month later by stating that he was no longer interested in collaborating with Reuss. Just as he had with Rudolf Steiner and Franz Hartmann sixteen years before, Reuss fired off several urgent letters to Lewis, who promptly informed him on May 22nd 1922 that no A.M.O.R.C. members would be travelling to the Passion Plays. No further correspondence took place. C.S. Jones reported to Reuss on 31 August 1922 that Lewis and his wife secretly had been present at an O.T.O. meeting but that Lewis spoke very negatively about Crowley.

      Reuss's friend Arnoldo Krumm-Heller had his own version of events to relate in his magazine "Rosa-Crux" (Berlin November 27th 1935, Vol. IX Nº 8, p. 64):
      "I was a little anxious about Dr. Spencer having selected those documents, since a Dr. Krumm-Heller and a Huiracocha figured in them; this was from one of the magazines I had issued in 1921 with Master Reuss. Those brothers who had that booklet [WHITE BOOK D] would have seen me in the photograph reproduced as plate ten, [10] at my meeting with Dr. Hartmann, of whom 'A.M.O.R.C.' maintained - against all reason - that he was a Rosicrucian. I was also present at the signing of the document at Paris in 1908. Which means, my dear brothers, that although I took no part in this ceremony where I appear alongside Spencer Lewis, this was one of our offshoots.
      Nowadays in all Spencer Lewis's publications - which I cannot deny have certain merits - one can see, to speak bluntly, that a good deal is owed to my master, Supreme Magus Peregrinus. His faith in A.M.O.R.C. sustained him in his last years, when I knew him in Germany; A.M.O.R.C. had led him to believe that he would receive five dollars a month from their activities in Spain, since he was starving to death. And no, I am not speaking figuratively: sadly Reuss really was dying of hunger, and the disciple who owed him everything never even bothered to send him a single dollar. Reuss himself told me this on one occasion, weeping bitterly."

      Herr Tränker Again
      After Reuss's death in 1923, Lewis (as Crowley's rival) publicly sought an alliance with a rescension of the O.T.O. which differed from the Great Beast's group. Since Hans Rudolf Hilfiker was on the point of joining forces with Reuben Swinburne Clymer, and as Clymer led an organisation that competed directly with A.M.O.R.C., Lewis made no use of the Swiss O.T.O. which had been named in his Warrant, but turned to Heinrich Tränker in Germany. Lewis obviously had nothing against allying himself with Tränker, who had signed himself as "National Grand Master of the O\T\O\" in a letter to him. In August 1930 the two men planned a 'Pansophia International Rosicrucian Council,' which under the twin banners of O.T.O. and A.M.O.R.C. would send out a 'Second Fama' ("come all ye hither - enter in! [...] 33° 90° 96° X°"), though this seems merely to have been a stratagem on Lewis's part to lend A.M.O.R.C. some Rosicrucian legitimacy. [11] Lewis wrote to a certain M. Carl on February 16th 1932, and mentioned that Reuss had been the "secret chief of the O.T.O. and the Oriental Pansophia." Lewis's enemy Krumm-Heller likewise used the title "Societas Pansophia" on his letter-headings in the 1920's - as opposed to Tränker who signed his letters and so on as "Summum Supremum Sanctuarium Fraternitas Rosae Crucis Antiqua". Pansophy, though, was Tränker's main name for his own collection of Orders.

      It is not entirely clear why either Rudolf Steiner or Spencer Lewis had dealings with dubious types like Reuss, Tränker, and Crowley. Were titles like "Memphis-Misraim" and "Rosicrucian" so terribly seductive? Lewis asserted that "The term Pansophia is referred to as a division of the Rosicrucian studies and work and not as a separate school or a separate organisation." [12]

      In 1931 Tränker's main base of operations was initially called 'Pansophische Rosenkreuzer-Grossloge zum Hütenden Greif' ('Pansophical-Rosicrucian Grand Lodge of the Guardian Griffin'), and after August 19th that year 'Pansophische Rosenkreuzerloge zur Weltenesche' ('Pansophical Rosicrucian Lodge of the World-Ash'). It did not last long.

      By April 1933 Lewis was openly mocking Tränker, [13] and in 1934 established the FUDOSI (Federation Universalis Dirigens Ordines Socientesque Initiatiques), in which - amongst others - the Église Gnostique Universelle had a part to play. When FUDOSI was convened in Brussels, Lewis condescended to permit his Rosicrucian legitimacy to be accredited by Jean Mallinger's sparring-partner Marc Laval. It was this same Laval who had confessed to practising 'Karezza' (otherwise "coitus interruptus") in the Belgian journal "Light Liberty, Naturism - Nudism, Sexology - Social Action". [14] Lewis even described Paschal Beverley Randoph (one of the founders of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light/Luxor) as one of the "foremost men of the Order". [15]

      FUDOSI had been convened with the sole aim of buttressing Lewis's claims to Rosicrucian legitimacy, and was promptly disbanded once it had served its purpose; but it brought Reuben Swinburne Clymer back into the picture. As a direct competitor to Lewis, Clymer was trying to unite all friendly Rosicrucian organisations under one roof - his own. [16] Having lost a lawsuit against A.M.O.R.C. in 1935, Clymer published his ponderous two-volume opus "The Rosicrucian Fraternity in America", which contained accusations against A.M.O.R.C., and also established that Lewis had reproduced forged documents in his books - for instance Reuss's 1917 O.T.O. invitation to a meeting of the "Ladies of the Rosy+Cross", or the O.T.O. Statutes of the same year.

      Clymer's attacks on Crowley, meant to damn A.M.O.R.C. by association (Clymer seems to have thought that A.M.O.R.C. was a branch of Crowley's O.T.O.) roused the Great Beast - who at that time was in urgent need of a new source of money - to try and re-establish contact with Imperator Lewis.

      Lewis and Crowley
      The correspondence between Crowley and Lewis can no longer be found in A.M.O.R.C.'s archives, though in the course of my researches two letters belonging to the corresondence did come to light, from which it can be deduced that the two men met in New York in the spring of 1918. [17] After Robert Vanloo revised his longer article on these matters, A.M.O.R.C. gave a detailed account on January 5th 2001:

      After the meetings between June 22nd and July 1918 Crowley drafted a long paper, in which he offered Lewis the choice of membership in either the O.T.O., the A\A\, or the Illuminati Order - though Lewis never recieved this document.
            In 1935 Crowley went bankrupt. To settle the debts he owed his lawyers Isador Caplan and Isidore Kerman, his draft offer to Lewis was handed over to them amongst other things. In 1996 the Caplan-Kerman estate was auctioned at Sotheby's, and this document turned up among the collection.

      Crowley acted thus to pay off his outstanding debts, because otherwise he could easily have ended up in prison as an undischarged bankrupt. In 1935 the financial possibilities that A.M.O.R.C. offered were clearly in his sights, and his letters to them were initially couched in very courteous terms. In his first letter to Lewis on August 19th 1935, Crowley offered his aid in the dispute with Reuben Swinburne Clymer, who had defended Reuss in his books, but denounced Crowley as a black magician. Clymer also believed he had proved that the A.M.O.R.C. stemmed from Crowley's O.T.O. - so the Great Beast was only too pleased to enter the fray. Crowley laid siege to Lewis on several fronts, in direct correspondence, through Raymund Andrea (Lewis's representative in London), and via Max Schneider, Tränker's ex-friend and co-founder of the 2nd Agapé Lodge in California, who was similarly finagled into contacting the A.M.O.R.C.'s headquarters in San José.

      On September 5th 1935 Andrea got a letter from Crowley, in which he announced that since he, Crowley, was OHO of his O.T.O., he was also Chief of all Rosicrucians, and hence the fate of A.M.O.R.C. rested in his hands. Andrea contacted Lewis and informed him of Crowley's money-troubles and his dubious reputation - on which Clymer's books seemed to set the final seal - but Lewis was quick to allay Andrea's fears. At this stage Max Schneider turned up at the Los Angeles offices of A.M.O.R.C.'s lawyer, Arthur B. Walker, identifying himself as Crowley's representative. Schneider proposed an alliance in the legal battle against Clymer, and expressed his hopes that A.M.O.R.C. would provide financial support to this end. He argued that cleaning up Crowley's unsavoury reputation would automatically yield an improvement for A.M.O.R.C.'s image. A second meeting between Schneider and Walker took place on September 18th 1935; Schneider wanted in vain admittance to the A.M.O.R.C. headquarters in San José, so that he could discuss the ways and means by which Crowley might be helped.

      The upshot of all this lobbying was a dozen or so letters between Lewis, Andrea, Walker and Crowley, up to January 1936. Lewis made it clear that Reuss had expelled Crowley from the O.T.O. on October 25th 1921, and Crowley learnt that Lewis wasn't going to give him any money.

      Naturally Lewis refused to cede the A.M.O.R.C. to Crowley (who was "prepared to take over the whole of the A.M.O.R.C."). [18] W.T. Smith stated of Lewis's 1921 Reussian charter that Lewis was "not a full member [and that the Reuss charter] is not a warrant, it is not a charter." [19] Despite this, Crowley continued to maintain that A.M.O.R.C. derived its authority from precisely this charter, and thus the entire A.M.O.R.C. estate belonged to him alone. [20]

      Because Lewis had made use of the O.T.O.'s lamen in his publications [21] Crowley falsely claimed that it was his own invention. But Lewis stayed calm in the face of Crowley's legal threats.

      Crowley is alleged to have tried to recruit Lewis's enemy Arnoldo Krumm-Heller:
      "Unfortunately my people in California, although most devoted and intelligent, are not precisely men of the world and do not understand how to handle big affairs. It is imperitive [sic] that I should go over there and put the screws on Spencer Louis [sic]. That is largely a question of finance. We should have to put at least £500 aside for the purpose of the journey. As soon as I got to California there would be no difficulties, because over there nobody bothers about chaperty [?property]." [22]

      In 1937 Crowley was as much preoccupied by A.M.O.R.C. as he was by sex-magic; here are some extracts from his diaries:

      "3. Sept. 37: Michaud - to read Clymer's latest - devastating! He reprinted from Golden Book Meyer's election & the Oriflamme of Sept. 12 with all our pretty pictures! Michaud is not quite convinced of the justice of my position.
      5. Sept. 37: [Crowley asked the I-Ching] Give Omen for Amorc affair. XVIII Ku Thwan: go ahead, but plan most carefully, & check every step. Line 1: Clear Reuss. 2. Clear O.T.O. 3. Clear Reuss, admitting some error. 4. Excuse Reuss. 5. Find fit instrument. 6. Appear as sole O.H.O.
      6. Sept. 37: XVIII Ku. Curious! Obvious meaning - attend to Amorc. Got Amorc file Whiteley.
      14. Sept. 37: Lewis in full retreat: drops the A of Amorc from his advertisements! Quelle crapule!
      28. Sept. 37: preparing A.M.O.R.C. plan.
      29. Sept. 37: Wrote Center[?] re Amorc.
      1. Oct.37: [sex-magic with Evelyn] to control A.M.O.R.C..
      2. Oct.37: [sex-magic with Phyllis] to control Amorc. (Something tells me this may have been operative - against my judgement).
      7. Oct.37: Bentley's: A.M.O.R.C..
      8. Oct.37: Phyllis here. [sex-magic] to capture Amorc.
      9. Oct.37: Wrote Larwal[?] re the Fudosi.
      18. Oct.37: D. Herald wants Amorc story.
      20. Oct.37: Lunch with Tebbs. Chess. Discussing Amorc story.
      23. Nov.37: Long talk with Fraser: showed him A.M.O.R.C. stuff."

      Spencer Lewis died on August 2nd 1939; his son Ralph led the organisation subsequently. The rituals and monographs written by Spencer Lewis have not been used by A.M.O.R.C. since that time.

         1. Lewis had considered himself as a sort of custodian of Rosicrucianism since the 1920's, constantly expecting contact with the true inner Order.
         2. Robert Vanloo: "Les Rose-Croix du Nouveau Monde", Paris 1996. Facsimile in Konig: "Der Grosse Theodor Reuss Reader", p. 209.
         3. Gary Stewart, e-mails of 19.2.98 and 21.2.98. On 22.2.98: "I was the one who found those documents in 1983. Presently, they are in the A.M.O.R.C. France archives under the control of Christian Bernard. At the time (1983) I wrote to the New York Port Authority for information regarding the S.S. Amerika (ship's log, etc. - when I research something, I always go to outside sources as well) but they informed me that a fire in the 1930's destroyed all records up to the date of the fire. Outside of A.M.O.R.C., the only other option to acquire the information you want would be to contact the Hamburg/American shipping line (assuming it still exists) or the city archives in Hamburg; or you can contact the port of entry where the ship docked in Europe (it first docked in England on or about August 3 1909, where H.S. Lewis got off and spent several days in the UK) the ship then went on the France (Calais, I believe)."
         4. Thomson had already been running a purely commercial trade in Warrants in 1915, for which he was jailed. See Isaac Blair Evans: "The Thomson Masonic Fraud", Salt Lake City 1922.
         5. Facsimile in König: "Materialien zum O.T.O.". Next to Reuss's O.T.O. seal the stamp of Tränker's Pansophy may also be seen on this certificate. In the same year Heinrich Tränker (33°, 90°, 96°, X°), Arnoldo Krumm-Helle (96°, VIII° and X°) and Carl William Hansen were also endowed with high-flown titles and offices.
         6. Facsimile in König: "Noch Mehr Materialien zum O.T.O.", p. 73. Reuss's works were the IX° text "Parsifal, oder das entschlüsselte Grals-Geheimnis", "Lingam-Yoni", "Die Eucharistie", "Freimaurerei", and "Okkultismus".
         7. 33°, 90°, 95°, IX°, Secretary of the O.T.O. in 1912, and Past Master of the 'Zum Heiligen Graal' Lodge in Munich.
         8. 'Some books not recommended - The Imperator reviews a few books', namely Crowley's "The Book of Goetia", in: "American Rosa Crucis", October 1916, p. 22.
         9. Reuss and Arnoldo Krumm-Heller's magazine "Der Rosenkreuzer" Nº 1, Munich December 1921: "Antiquae Arcanae Ordinis Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis. Concilium Supremum in San Francisco [...] have decided to invite their members on a Rosicrucian Pilgrimage." Facsimile in König: "Noch Mehr Materialien zum O.T.O.", p. 50. [Emphasis as in original].
        10. Krumm-Heller was here referring exclusively to the article co-written by him in "Der Rosenkreuzer" Nº 1, Munich, December 1921. Lewis had reproduced the relevant page in his "White Book 'D' Audi Alteram Partem", San José 1935.
        11. Facsimile in "AHA", June 1991, p.6; and in König: "Materialien zum O.T.O.".
        12. Lewis to M. Carl, letter of 16.2.34.
        13. Clymer: "op. cit.", pp. 352 & 391.
        14. " Lumière Liberté, Naturisme - Nudisme - Sexologie - Action Sociale", Vol. II Nº 4, Antwerp 1933: 'La Karezza; est-elle perversion sexuelle?'. The article also made mention of the Swiss Werner Zimmermann, who was highly regarded in the Swiss O.T.O. under H.J. Metzger. Eugen Grosche had only detected "a tendency for self-promotion" in the lectures Zimmermann gave at Berlin; Grosche to Metzger, letter of 27.10.50.
        15. Quoted in Clymer: "Rosicrucian Fraternities" Vol. II, p. 771.
        16. There are exhaustive accounts of FUDOSI in the French literature on Rosicrucianism, but here I limit my references to Serge Caillet: "Sar Hiéronymus", Paris 1986, and Clymer's books.
        17. Crowley to Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, letter of 28.12.1936; Crowley to Lewis, letter of 2.12.1935.
        18. Crowley wanted to recieve $125,000 from Lewis in 1936. The citation comes from Crowley to F.M. Spann, letter of 13.1.1936.
        19. Crowley to F.M. Smith, letter of 3.1.1935. This has almost the same wording as the letter from Crowley to Spann of 13.1.1936.
        20. 'Memorandum' appended to Crowley's 28.1.36 letter to Spann. Facsimile in König: "Noch Mehr Materialien zum O.T.O.", p. 78.
        21. For a while Crowley's slogans "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" and "Love is the law, love under will" were actually quoted as supposed "ancient Rosicrucian laws" in the A.M.O.R.C. instructional letters for its 11th grade (Nº 10, p. 3). However, the O.T.O. lamen has not been used by A.M.O.R.C. since the 1950's, though recently there has been talk of re-introducing the Reuss version of the symbol dating from 1906.
        22. Crowley to Krumm-Heller, letter of 28.12.1936. Facsimile in König: "Noch Mehr Materialien zum O.T.O.", p. 79.
« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Απριλίου 13, 2009, 01:51:21 από Lusifer »


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« Απάντηση #7 στις: Απριλίου 13, 2009, 01:53:43 »

Jeff Jacobsen - The Hubbard is Bare (Scientology)
Chapter seven: Aleister Crowley

    Hubbard had clear connections to the occult. Even in the first publication of dianetics in "Astounding Science Fiction", Hubbard in explaining how he did his "research" into what the mind was doing, says he used "automatic writing, speaking and clairvoyance" (1) to discover what the mind's memory banks were doing. Automatic writing is an occult method of communicating with the spirit world, although psychologists consider its products to arise from subconscious thoughts of the writer. Whichever is correct, it is hardly a method used by competent scientific researchers.

    Hubbard's connection to the occultist Aleister Crowley is quite clear and noteworthy. Crowley called himself the Anti-Christ, the Beast of Revelations, and 666. Russell Miller has adequately chronicled Hubbard's connection in 1945 to John W. Parsons, who headed Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis chapter in Los Angeles. (2) Hubbard was an active member in this group for several months, and first met his second wife there. The Church of Scientology claims that Hubbard was actually infiltrating this group in order to break it up, but the following should suffice to dismiss this claim.

    In the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures taped in 1952, Hubbard discusses occult magic of the middle ages, and recommends a current book - "it's fascinating work in itself, and that's work written by Aleister Crowley, the late Aleister Crowley, my very good friend." (3) The book recommended was The Master Therion, (published in London in 1929) later re-released as Magick in Theory and Practise. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. asserts that during the time when the Philadelphia course was given his father would read Crowley's works "in preparation for the next day's lecture..." (4)

    There are interesting similarities between Crowley's writings and the teachings of Hubbard. Dianetics' Time Track, in which every incident in a person's life is chronologically recorded in full in the mind, is quite similar to Crowley's Magical Memory. The Magical Memory is developed over time until "memories of childhood reawaken" (5) which were previously forgotten, and memories of previous incarnations are recalled as well. Hubbard gives examples in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course of several people remembering lives earlier on earth, some up to a million years ago. The similarity between the Magical Memory and Time Track, then, is that they both can recall every past incident in a person's life, they both can recall incidents from past lives, and they both must be developed by certain techniques in order to make use of them.

    Both Hubbard and Crowley consider it important to have the person recall his or her birth. "Having allowed the mind to return for some hundred times to the hour of birth, it should be encouraged to endeavour to penetrate beyond that period" (6) (Crowley). "After twenty runs through birth, the patient experienced a recession of all somatics and 'unconsciousness' and aberrative content." "Thus there was no inhibition about looking earlier than birth for what Dianetics had begun to call basic-basic" (7) (Hubbard).

    Both Hubbard and Crowley are avowedly anti-psychiatry. "Official psychoanalysis is therefore committed to upholding a fraud... psychoanalysts have misinterpreted life, and announced the absurdity that every human being is essentially an anti-social, criminal, and insane animal" (8) (Crowley). Hubbard considered that psychiatry controlled most of society and was struggling to create their own 1984 world. (9)

    Hubbard (10) and Crowley both posit the ability of the person to leave his or her body at times. Crowley states that the way to learn to leave your body is to mock up a body like your own in front of your physical body. Eventually you will learn to leave your physical body with your "astral body" and travel and view at will without physical restrictions. (11) Hubbard teaches the same, and his method of "exteriorization" is to tell the person to "have preclear mock up own body" (12), which will send the person outside his body.

    Both Crowley (13) and Hubbard (14) use an equilateral triangle pointing up in a circle as one of their group's symbols. Both use Volume 0 instead of Volume 1 to begin enumerating their works. One could go on for quite some time listing the similarities between Crowley's and Hubbard's theories and writings, but for more the reader is encouraged to look for him or herself.

    In Crowley's Organization are several grade levels. To reach the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus "The Adept must prepare and publish a thesis setting forth His knowledge of the Universe, and his proposals for its welfare and progress. He will thus be known as the leader of a school of thought." (15) It is apparent that Hubbard has fulfilled this requirement.

    First, an explanation of what gnosticism is. It is an old religious philosophy with Platonic roots. Basically, gnostics believe that we as humans are "outsiders" to this material universe. Our immortal godlike souls were trapped here in a body by evil forces, and we are reincarnated continually, while our true spiritual identities are clouded from our memory. It is our task to discover the hidden knowledge, or gnosis, that will allow us to escape this evil material world of illusion and return to our rightful place. We keep reincarnating until we learn how to escape.

        The world seems to be 'the epitome of evil'. Because it is alien to their true nature, human beings must renounce it and flee from it in order to be able to return to their heavenly home. To achieve this aim they must possess Gnosis, be reborn in their true nature, and be baptized in the cup of knowledge into which the divine intellect has been poured. (16)

    Salvation begins with a messenger from beyond bringing the necessary knowledge to mankind, but this knowledge is given only to those deemed worthy, and even then one must follow certain steps in order to arrive at the ultimate Truths. The individual must struggle to earn and then incorporate the secret knowledge needed to return to his rightful place.

    There is a need for someone to bring this gnosis or knowledge to mankind:

        It follows that this divine reality cannot be known through the ordinary faculties of the mind. Illumination, revelation, the intervention of a celestial mediator is required. He descends from above to call the Gnostic, to rouse him from earthly sleep and drunkenness, to take him back to his divine homeland. (17)

    While on this earth, man is plagued by many difficulties which lessen his real abilities and being. One problem to us all is that within each of our bodies is a plethora of spirits or souls, causing us harm:

        A hierarchy of demons, servile and ready, is continually at work in everyone's body, transformed into a remorseless inferno in miniature. (18)

    Mankind is also cursed with forgetfulness of his true home and true composition, being blinded by this material world.

    As with Christianity today, there were many sects of gnosticism. The most famous gnostics were those that took the basic ideas of Christianity and mixed them into their own otherworldly theories. One of the most dangerous enemies of the early church were the Christian gnostic movement, for it greatly distorted the essential message of Christ and his followers while using similar terminology. The early church fathers, such as Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian, spent much of their time speaking out against gnosticism.

    Scientology, however, embraces gnosticism. Its doctrines are gnostic, and it uses gnostic writings to support its own ideas. For example, "Advance!" issue 93 has an article entitled "The Surprising Christian Tradition of Reincarnation", which relies heavily on gnostic writings such as the Pistis Sophia (the best known of the surviving gnostic writings) to support its viewpoint. Scientology is clearly gnostic, by its own admission and by the similarities to its own and gnostic teachings. Once again, ideas Hubbard declares to be new and discovered by him, are shown to be derived from old and widespread teachings in existence long before he came along.

    Hubbard claimed to be the sole source of the hidden knowledge needed to escape these earthly bonds. "The mystery of this universe... has been, as far as its track is concerned, completely occluded. No one has ever been able to make any breakthrough and come off with it and know what happened... I finally was able to make a breakthrough which brought people through the zone safely." (19)

    When Hubbard died in 1986, it was announced that he had left this "MEST" (the acronym of Matter, Space, Time, and Energy) universe to continue his work and research. In other words, he had obtained the gnosis needed to break the bonds to this material illusory plane and travel to other worlds or dimensions at will. (20)

    Hubbard was the sole source for the technology Scientologists need to break free from this MEST universe. "Nobody else - NOBODY - ever discovered it." (21) He is thus the gnostic "celestial mediator" empowered to bring mankind the knowledge needed to bring us back home.

    Another obvious connection to gnosticism is in the upper level of training known as Operating Thetan III, or "The Wall of Fire." It is at this level that the Scientologist first is taught that many of his problems are caused by other souls attached to his soul. These souls are detached and sent on their way through the course training. The goal of OTIII is to rid the individual of hundreds of "Body Thetans", or other souls attached to the main dominant individual. No one is even allowed to see OTIII material until he has completed the previous courses leading up to OTIII. (21) This material is carefully guarded and treated as a great important mystery to be imparted only to those proven worthy.

    These great "discoveries" of Hubbard actually were taught as far back as 300 AD:

        "For many spirits dwell in it [the body] and do not permit it to be pure; each of them brings to fruition its own works, and they treat it abusively by means of unseemly desires. To me it seems that the heart suffers in much the same way as an inn: for it has holes and trenches dug in it and is often filled with filth by men who live there licentiously and have no regard for the place because it belongs to another." (22)

    Although this sounds almost identical to ideas in OTIII, it is in fact a quote from Valentinus, one of the most famous early Christian gnostics, writing around 300 AD. Valentinus taught that there was more than one spirit within an individual, causing difficulties for the "host" or main soul of the individual. The gnostic Basilides also taught in a similar vein that man "preserves the appearance of a wooden horse, according to the poetic myth, embracing as he does in one body a host of such different spirits." (23)

    The above is similar to the New Testament idea of demons in that demons are "outsiders" from the main inhabitant of the body and are problematic to the host. Gnostics, however, seem to feel that it is the normal human condition to have these other souls, whereas Christianity considers this a rare aberration.

    Another gnostic idea, that this is a world of illusion, is in Scientology doctrine as well. Scientology teaches that this universe we live in is the MEST (matter, energy, space, time) universe that exists solely because the non-MEST beings known as thetans decided to agree to bind themselves to the rules and laws that we see operating here, such as gravity and the speed of light: "a Thetan may postulate a material or mental condition and subsequently consider that he cannot escape that condition, and succumb to the resulting illusion of entrapment within it." (24) Theta beings (Hubbard's name for the soul) lived here on earth by dwelling in a human body. Humans, that is, the living body, existed without the theta being before the thetans were trapped in this material universe. Theta beings are "trapped" into human bodies by trickery and forget their true nature:

        Your preclear was basically good, happy, ethical and aesthetic before the contagion of the MEST universe got him. Then, still a thetan, he wasn't very good but he was still trusting and ethical. Finally, when he had a body - well, look around. (25)

    Scientology then shares the gnostic idea that mankind is separate from the physical universe and is trapped against his will here.

    As gnosticism is a secret knowledge, Scientology hides its upper level or OT level teachings under a strict veil of secrecy. When I visited the Los Angeles "Big Blue Building" of Scientology, I was invited to listen to some OT VIII's speak via satellite from the "Free Winds" ship where OT VIII is exclusively taught. An OT VII on board said that the OT VIII material is in a locked case, and the only way to open the case is to enter a certain locked room and pass the case under a laser beam there. Scientologists are taught that if they hear the teachings of OT III before they have taken the necessary previous courses, they will catch pneumonia and die.

    Early gnostics also used various methods to hide their teachings. The initiations were so secret that today we can only piece parts of them together. The writings of many gnostics were purposely vague and incomprehensible, so only the initiated could understand them.

    The goal of dianetics and Scientology is to return the Theta being to its inherent abilities (i.e. freeing it from the laws of this universe) and remove it from its need to have a body. The sole source for accomplishing this is the technology of L. Ron Hubbard, celestial mediator of the gnostic Church of Scientology.

    Parenthetically, one can clearly see from above that these teachings clash with Christian thinking today. While Scientologists claim that "in Scientology there is no attempt to change another's beliefs or to persuade the person away from his own religious practice," (26) in reality there is an incongruity of beliefs that must fall either to the side of Scientology or Christianity. They are not compatible. Scientology is gnostic, which has been seen from almost the beginning of Christianity to be a great threat to correct Christian dogma (see the Ante-Nicene Fathers writings, for example), and it requires the belief in reincarnation, which is foreign to Christian thought. Elsewhere I write about Hubbard's connection to Aleister Crowley, "my very good friend," who called himself the anti-christ and taught accordingly. Hubbard generously borrowed ideas from and admired the writings of Crowley. Obviously, Scientology's claim that their ideas will not interfere with a person's Christian beliefs is absurd.


       1. L. Ron Hubbard, "Dianetics: Evolution of a Science", Astounding Science Fiction, May 1950 p. 66
       2. Bare-faced Messiah, pp.112-130
       3. L. Ron Hubbard, "Conditions of Space/Time/Energy" Philadelphia Doctorate Course cassette tape #18 5212C05
       4. L. Ron Hubbard, Messiah or Madman? p. 305
       5. Aleister Crowley, Magick In Theory And Practice (NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1976) p.51 (originally published 1929, London)
       6. Magick, p. 419.
       7. Dianetics, p. 171 and 172.
       8. Magick, p. xxiv
       9. L. Ron Hubbard, "What Your Donations Buy", church pamphlet
      10. Dianetics pp. 340f.
      11. Magick pp. 146-7
      12. L. Ron Hubbard, The Creation Of Human Ability, (Sussex, England: The Department of Publications Worldwide, 1954) p. 226f
      13. Francis X. King, Mind and Magic (London: Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 1991) p.100. see photograph.
      14. See for example the bookends of Hubbard's Research and Discovery series.
      15. Magick p.236
      16. Giovanni Filoramo, Gnosticism, (Cambridge, MASS: Basil Blackwell, 1990) p. 9
      17. Gnosticism, p. 40
      18. Gnosticism, p. 92
      19. "Advance!" issue 93, p. 16
      20. International Scientology News, issue 8, p. 3.
      21. International Scientology News, issue 8, p. 7
      22. The material has been released publicly in court cases. Scientologists refuse to read it, however, until they reach the proper level of training. They believe they will die if reading it unprepared.
      23. Gnosticism, p.98
      24. The Ante-Nicene Fathers (WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids MI) reprinted February 1983. Volume 2, p. 372.
      25. L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology: A World Religion Emerges in the Space Age, (Church of Scientology Information Service, Department of Archives, date and location not listed) p. 23
      26. L. Ron Hubbard, A History Of Man (Sussex, England; Department of Publications Worldwide, 1961), p. 55
      27. Staff of Church of Scientology, What Is Scientology? (Kingsport Press, Inc., 1978) p.199

    Reprinted with permission from The Hubbard is Bare by Jeff Jacobsen. Copyright © 1992 by Jeff Jacobsen, P.O. Box 3541, Scottsdale, AZ 85271.
« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Απριλίου 13, 2009, 01:55:52 από Lusifer »


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« Απάντηση #8 στις: Απριλίου 14, 2009, 23:17:42 »
Βλεπω συζητηση για το ΟΤΟ.Να  παραθεσω κι εγω την ταπεινη μου αποψη λοιπον.Κατ` αρχην πληροφοριακα το ΟΤΟ ειναι στην μαυρη λιστα του FBI για αδικηματα περι ναρκωτικων και σεξουαλικων παρεκτροπων.Οπου ανοιγει παρακλαδι πεφτει κοκινο σημα.
Κατα δευτερο λογο η γνωμη μου οχι μονο για ΟΤΟ αλλα και για Χρυση Αυγη και ολα αυτα που φτιαχνοτανε τελη 19ου αιωνα αρχες Εικοστου ειναι "ΠΙΠΕΣ".Ενα τσουρμο οργανωσεις με βαση καποιοα σπανια χειρογραφα που δοθηκαν απο μυστικους διδασκαλους και τρεχα γυρευε.Τα ατομα που πρωταγωνιστουσαν...γαματα.Ενας Γαλλος που μετα τις μπατσες που εφαγε απο την Γαλικη ασφαλεια την ειδε εσωτεριστης (Ελιφας Λεβι),ενας Εβραιος που την ειδε Σκωτσεζος (Μαθερς),κατι Γαλλοι αριστοκρατες οπιομανεις (Γκουαιτα,Πελανταν και σια),ενας ανωμαλος poserας αμφιφυλος(Κροουλι),μια χασικλου Ρωσιδα που απο το πολυ ντουμανι ειδε Αορατους Masters,μια Εγγλεζα που απο τα γ..σια χαζεψε(Μπειλυ),ο Παπυς,υποπτη φαση με εππιροη στη Ρωσικη αυλη που μονο με πρακτοριλικι μοιαζει.Αριστοκρατες ολοι,ζαμπλουτοι και κηφηνες,την ανια τους τη συστηματοποιησαν και την ντυσαν με μυστηριο και μυστρικες επαφες...για αυτο και μολις παιθεναν οι αρχηγοι δυαλυοταν οτι φτιαξαν και χρονια μετα το ξαναστηναν ξανα και ξανα αλλοι και τις τελευταιες δεκαετιες απλα λογω μαρκετιγκ πουλανε καλα το προιον.
Ωραια μεν σαν concept αλλα απο ουσια μηδεν η στη χειροτερη περιπτωση κακια ουσια....
Αυτα τα ολιγα


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« Απάντηση #9 στις: Απριλίου 14, 2009, 23:22:45 »
::) Απ' το αγκάθι βγαίνει ρόδο και απ' το ρόδο βγαίνει αγκάθι...
...spes mea in mentem est...


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« Απάντηση #10 στις: Απριλίου 14, 2009, 23:39:30 »
Βλεπω συζητηση για το ΟΤΟ.Να  παραθεσω κι εγω την ταπεινη μου αποψη λοιπον.Κατ` αρχην πληροφοριακα το ΟΤΟ ειναι στην μαυρη λιστα του FBI για αδικηματα περι ναρκωτικων και σεξουαλικων παρεκτροπων.Οπου ανοιγει παρακλαδι πεφτει κοκινο σημα.
Κατα δευτερο λογο η γνωμη μου οχι μονο για ΟΤΟ αλλα και για Χρυση Αυγη και ολα αυτα που φτιαχνοτανε τελη 19ου αιωνα αρχες Εικοστου ειναι "ΠΙΠΕΣ".Ενα τσουρμο οργανωσεις με βαση καποιοα σπανια χειρογραφα που δοθηκαν απο μυστικους διδασκαλους και τρεχα γυρευε.Τα ατομα που πρωταγωνιστουσαν...γαματα.Ενας Γαλλος που μετα τις μπατσες που εφαγε απο την Γαλικη ασφαλεια την ειδε εσωτεριστης (Ελιφας Λεβι),ενας Εβραιος που την ειδε Σκωτσεζος (Μαθερς),κατι Γαλλοι αριστοκρατες οπιομανεις (Γκουαιτα,Πελανταν και σια),ενας ανωμαλος poserας αμφιφυλος(Κροουλι),μια χασικλου Ρωσιδα που απο το πολυ ντουμανι ειδε Αορατους Masters,μια Εγγλεζα που απο τα γ..σια χαζεψε(Μπειλυ),ο Παπυς,υποπτη φαση με εππιροη στη Ρωσικη αυλη που μονο με πρακτοριλικι μοιαζει.Αριστοκρατες ολοι,ζαμπλουτοι και κηφηνες,την ανια τους τη συστηματοποιησαν και την ντυσαν με μυστηριο και μυστρικες επαφες...για αυτο και μολις παιθεναν οι αρχηγοι δυαλυοταν οτι φτιαξαν και χρονια μετα το ξαναστηναν ξανα και ξανα αλλοι και τις τελευταιες δεκαετιες απλα λογω μαρκετιγκ πουλανε καλα το προιον.
Ωραια μεν σαν concept αλλα απο ουσια μηδεν η στη χειροτερη περιπτωση κακια ουσια....
Αυτα τα ολιγα

    Ιδού ένας που ....φωτίστηκε νωρίς !!!!
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού, και μας φιμώνουν να μην ενημερωθεί ο κόσμος. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. Εχουν ενημερωθεί παγκόσμια Πανεπιστήμια - Κυβερνήσεις https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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« Απάντηση #11 στις: Απριλίου 15, 2009, 18:28:36 »
  EΞΟΧΟΣ,     ΑΝΕΠΑΝΑΛΗΠΤΟΣ ,    ΘΑΡΡΑΛΕΟΣ ,   αλλα    και   ε υ γ ε ν η ς ,   υπηρξε   ο  PIKOS   APIKOS.....

                        Η   Ε Κ Φ Ρ Α Σ Η    ΜΟΥ,   ΕΙΝΑΙ    ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΗ   ΚΑΙ   Σ Υ Μ ΦΩ Ν Η .

            ΑΛΙΜΟΝΟ,     Μ Α Θ Α Ι Ν Ο Υ Μ Ε     ΝΑ    Τ Ρ Α Γ Ο Υ Δ Α Μ Ε     ΓΙΑ    ΤΟ   Α Π Ο Μ Α Κ Ρ Ο ......

                                   ΚΑΙ    ΤΡΕΧΟΥΜΕ,   ΚΑΘΕ    ΛΙΓΟ   ΣΤΗΝ   Π  Ο  Ρ  Τ  Α .....

                                                           Ξ Ε Λ Α Ρ Υ Γ Γ Ι Α Ζ Ο Μ Α Σ Τ Ε .....

                        Κ Ο Ι Τ Α Μ Ε ,   Α Φ Ο Υ Γ Κ Ρ Α Ζ Ο Μ Α Σ Τ Ε ,

                                            ΜΑΣ    Α Κ Ο Υ Ε Ι ,    Η    Α Ν Θ Ρ Ω Π Ο Τ Η Σ    α ρ α γ ε .....!!!!

               αργα - α ρ γ α ,    Β Υ Θ Ι Ζ Ο Μ Α Σ Τ Ε .....,   σε   μ ι α   και   μ ο ν α δ ι κ η    Λ  Ε  Ξ  Η 

                                                  Α   Π   Α   Τ   Η  .

                                                                                                          αν,   βεβαια   υπαρχει   αυτη   η  λ ε ξ η .....


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« Απάντηση #12 στις: Απριλίου 15, 2009, 21:55:51 »
Συγνώμη προς όλους και ιδιαιτερα προς τον αδελφό Piko, αλλά έχω άλλη άποψη.
Είναι ωραίο να κάνεις κριτική σε όλους χωρίς όμως να έχεις να προτάξεις τον δικό σου δρόμο.
Για το AMORC αδελφέ και τον Lewis γιατί δεν ανέφερες τπτ? Ή μήπως αυτός ήταν φωτισμένος πραγματικά?
Αδελφέ Ορφέα, συγνώμη και σε σένα άλλα τετοιού είδους απόψεις σαν του Piko,
δεν τις θεωρώ κριτήριο φώτισης.
Καλό βράδυ σε όλους!
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam


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« Απάντηση #13 στις: Απριλίου 15, 2009, 22:35:05 »

Αδελφέ Ορφέα, συγνώμη και σε σένα άλλα τετοιού είδους απόψεις σαν του Piko,
δεν τις θεωρώ κριτήριο φώτισης.

    Αδελφέ μου, δεν χρειάζεται καθόλου να ζητάς συγγνώμη για να εκφράσεις την διαφορετική άποψή σου. Αυτό είναι το ζητούμενο, όπως γνωρίζεις, στην Α.Μ.Ρ.Α., να αποκτήσει ο καθένας την ικανότητα διάκρισης και να καταστεί πλέον αυτόβουλος κριτής και όχι τυφλός οπαδός. Ο Pikos Apikos εξέφρασε μια δική του διαπίστωση, την οποία συνόδευσε με χαρακτηριστικές ατάκες - γεγονότα από την ζωή και το έργο των προσώπων που σχολιάζει. Αν εσύ έχεις άλλη άποψη, θάθελες να μοιραστείς μαζί μας τα στοιχεία που σε οδήγησαν στην άποψη που κατέληξες; Πιθανόν εσύ να έχεις δίκαιο.... Διαλεγόμεθα και ....βλέπουμε....
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού, και μας φιμώνουν να μην ενημερωθεί ο κόσμος. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. Εχουν ενημερωθεί παγκόσμια Πανεπιστήμια - Κυβερνήσεις https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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Απ: Απαντήσεις
« Απάντηση #14 στις: Απριλίου 15, 2009, 22:36:41 »
συγνώμη και σε σένα άλλα τετοιού είδους απόψεις σαν του Piko,
δεν τις θεωρώ κριτήριο φώτισης.

Είναι αλήθεια πως τα άτομα που αναφέρθηκαν έμειναν επώνυμοι, για το προσωπικό έργο που κατέθεσαν, στον χώρο του αποκρυφισμού. Παρόλα αυτά, ακόμα και σε αυτήν την φαινομενικά, ακραία οπτική γωνία που κατατέθηκε από τον αδελφό Piko Apiko, υπάρχει αρκετή δόση αλήθειας.

Ενα τσουρμο οργανωσεις με βαση καποιοα σπανια χειρογραφα που δοθηκαν απο μυστικους διδασκαλους και τρεχα γυρευε.Τα ατομα που πρωταγωνιστουσαν...γαματα.
απο ουσια μηδεν η στη χειροτερη περιπτωση κακια ουσια....

Αν συγκρίνουμε την εποχή που αναφέρεται ο αδελφός Pikos Apikos, με την εποχή της Αρχαίας Ελλάδας, βλέπουμε κάποια διαφορά?

Σίγουρα στην εποχή του Διαφωτισμού, επιστρέφουμε, στην Έρευνα, την Γνώση και την Επιστήμη, αλλά παράλληλα το σύννεφο, της θρησκειολογίας, της εποχής των Ιχθύων, κατάλοιπο από την χριστιανική παιδεία, πλανάται επικίνδυνα στην ατμόσφαιρα, δημιουργώντας νέα κράματα, νέες αιρέσεις, γνωστικές αιρέσεις, κράματα που φέρουν και το φιλοσοφικό Ελληνικό στοιχείο αλλά και το θρησκειολογικό, μέσω της Ιουδαϊκής παράδοσης.

'Ετσι προσπαθώντας να ξεφύγουμε από τους Αγίους Πατέρες του θρησκευτικού μεσαιωνισμού, επιστρέψαμε και πάλι σε αυτόν μέσω των νεοεποχήτικων δογμάτων.

Δεν αρνούμαστε την ύπαρξη οντοτήτων και ανώτερων συνειδησιακά υπάρξεων, εξελιγμένων ψυχών, ή πνευμάτων, όμως η ειδωλολατρία μέσα από τα μάτια της κάθε θρησκείας, δεν είναι το ίδιο με την Αυθεντική Κατανόηση της Κοσμογονίας.

Οι Κοσμικοί Διδάσκαλοι, μπορεί να υπάρχουν, εσωτερικά, για ένα Ήρωα, που επιστρέφει σε αυτούς, αναζητώντας, την Πνευματική Συμπαράσταση, αναζητώντας μία ανακούφιση, ένα στήριγμα σε μία πολύ επικίνδυνη στιγμή, αναζητώντας την συνδρομή, έτσι ώστε να καθαρίσει ενεργειακά το τοπίο, ενώ αγωνίζεται πάνω στο Κοινό 'Εργο.

Οι Κοσμικοί Διδάσκαλοι αντιπροσωπεύουν την Συλλογική Συνείδηση, και συμπεραστέκονται μόνο σε όσους υπηρετούν την Συλλογική Συνείδηση, μόνο σε όσους είναι ταγμένοι, στην υπηρεσία της Αλήθειας και του Ανθρωπισμού. Οι Κοσμικοί Διδάσκαλοι, δεν συντονίζονται με τον κάθε ιδιοτελή, και θρήσκο, μια και οι ιδιοτελείς επικλήσεις, ανήκουν στην αριστερή ατραπό.

Αυτά όμως τα εσωτερικά μυστήρια, έχουν παρερμηνευτεί, έχουν βεβηλωθεί, και έτσι καταντήσαμε σήμερα, να έχουν γεμίσει τα βιβλιοπωλεία μας οδηγούς για το πως να χρησιμοποιούμε ορθά τους οραματισμούς με στόχο το κέρδος...

Είναι καιρός, όμως να κατανοήσουμε πως κερδίζουμε πολύ περισσότερα μέσω της φιλίας, της συνεργασίας και της ανθρωπιάς.
« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Απριλίου 15, 2009, 22:53:20 από Rose »
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/