Αποστολέας Θέμα: Σαμπάλα Ρέικι - 1ος Βαθμός  (Αναγνώστηκε 17975 φορές)


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Απ: Σαμπάλα Ρέικι - 1ος Βαθμός
« Απάντηση #15 στις: Μαρτίου 29, 2009, 21:24:05 »
Energy Fields


Your body is composed of aware energy which knows that it’s making up the cells in your body.  This energy has a field which stretches to infinity, but that its intensity diminishes outside the standing wave field that contains it.  So, although your energy level is very strong within the envelope of your physical body, your personal fields extend far beyond the envelope of your skin.

This extended field is both a transmitter and a receiver.  With it, you can sense potential harm long before it comes close to you.  So-called “instinct” is actually your extended fields detecting another field, be it of a hungry tiger or a runaway truck.  Similarly, you transmit energetic signals via your extended field for others to pick up, hence the adage that fear is contagious.  Some people are more powerful transmitters and more sensitive receivers than others, but you all do this, without exception.  It’s what Ariel calls “being a big transducer.”


Your spirit-self actually manifests three fields:  physical, emotional and mental.  Your emotional field is composed of energy that does not burst through the physical barrier into subatomic particles as does physical field energy.  Obviously it interacts with your physical field because you feel emotions in your body, and your emotions directly affect the state of your physical body, for better or worse.  It is, however, an entirely separate field with a larger envelope – say, two to six feet beyond the body’s surface perimeter, but it can be much larger in some people.

Your emotional body is a field through which energies of particular frequencies run.  You generate some of these yourself, and you pick up others using your field as an antenna.  So, a particular emotion can be communicated.  It is important that you know, first which energy you generate and which you pick up, and second, that you have control over the energy you allow in your emotional field.

Suppose that you suddenly feel angry.  Where did this anger come from?  Of course, something within you may have triggered it, such as an expectation that another person would behave in a certain way and he or she didn’t, or that a situation would turn out a certain way and it didn’t.  The fact that your plans are thwarted results in feeling helpless, and the energy of enthusiasm you had is now stifled within the emotional field.  You then feel it as anger.

Alternatively, anger may spring apparently from nowhere.  In this case, you may be picking up anger from someone who just happens to be in your field.  The anger isn’t yours and you can dump it very easily.  You can spin your emotional field to centrifuge it out, declaring that you release the energy back to the universe.  Feel it drain away. 

Releasing your own internal anger is almost as easy.  But first, you must realize that it is only energy and that energy loves to move.  It hates being still.  Also, realize that this energy is not yours, but only on loan for the moment. Spin your fields and declare to yourself:

   “This anger (or fear, jealousy, etc.) is not me or mine.  I release it back to the universe.”

Emotional energy is neither good or bad; it just is.  However, you may prefer not to remove some frequencies like love or joy from your field.  If an emotion feels good to you, you are picking the energy up from another source:  Spirit.


The third field is the home of the intellect and operates in yet a higher frequency band than the emotional, with a higher rate of spin.  Any thought you think is composed of organized energy and has its reality in that energy.  Thoughts, therefore, are energy structures in your mental field, making up your mental body.  This, too, is derived from a hidden blueprint, the source of those great ideas that “just come to you.”  A thought is a real thing, but your scientist are just not able to measure it yet, although several projects are coming close (many experiments have detected changes in leaf conductivity when an experimenter approaches a living plant with pruning shears and ill intent!).  A thought is high-frequency energy organized in a coherent structure.  You transmit your thoughts out from your mental field just like you do from the other fields, but not as many people can pick up your thoughts as can pick up physical and emotional energies. 

The clarity of a thoughtform’s structure depends directly on the clarity of conception. A radio station playing an old, crackly record faithfully transmit old, crackly music.  This is important because the thoughtforms you transmit directly affect all the fields around you.  So if you are thinking clear but fearful thoughts, you are transmitting a very clear signal that you expect something bad to happen, and boosting it with fuel from accompanying fearful emotions. The universe is very accommodating in that regard and will rearrange itself to deliver.  You have literally changed the energy fields around you by transmitting fear-based thoughtforms into them.  Others will pick up your fearful thoughtforms, usually unknowingly, and see you as a “victim waiting to happen.”  You are literally inviting them to reinforce your victim mentality, and they may oblige.  Alternatively, if you see yourself as divinely protected, someone looking for a victim will not notice you because the two of you do not resonate.  But you will be noticed by others who do resonate to your field.  That’s how you create your own reality.  It’s all done by resonance, which is impartial to “good” and “bad” energy alike.

So, just like two guitar strings exchanging standing wave energy, other people will pick up your fear, amplify it, and play it back to you.  One fearful person in a group can “amp up” the fear in everyone around them, and soon the fearful person may really have something  to be afraid of!  Fortunately, the emotional energy of love and love-filled thoughtforms transmit and resonate in exactly the same way, only more so, because they are in harmony with the nature of the universe, and things always go more easily if they are in the flow.

Add to this two other factors:  you are becoming a more powerful transmitter and the universe is becoming increasingly more malleable and susceptible to your thoughtforms.  These two factors work to shorten the time needed to manifest your thoughts.  Previously you had to hold a belief for years for it to manifest in your life, but increasingly it now takes only days. Fortunately, beliefs that are consistent with the flow of the universal truth manifest more easily than those that go against the grain.

The Field of Spirit

Everything is organized energy, and Spirit is no exception.   The Source is aware, organized energy, on a scale that can’t be imagined.  In its continual playing of the game of knowing itself, it partitions itself.  These partitions are analogous to vast thoughts (or plans for realities) that interact with themselves.  They have no names or forms that you would recognize, yet they are aware of themselves as part of the Source and also aware of themselves as themselves.

Imagine lots of buckets of water suspended in water, and that all of the water is conscious.  The water in the buckets knows that it is constantly exchanging with the water outside of the buckets, yet by virtue of its being contained, it is aware of itself as distinct from the water outside of the buckets.  Of course, the buckets are imaginary, but they are analogous to the fields that support energy, and the water is analogous to the energy that fills them.  Some fields are huge – like planetary or solar fields – and others are tiny in comparison – like the field of an atom – but all of them contain and nurture the energy of the Source.

In addition to interacting the fields, this conscious energy is also partitioned by another distinction:  frequency.  Think about a piano keyboard.  All the individual notes are of the same basic stuff – vibrations on wires – but any note implies and contains all of its harmonics and subharmonics (the notes in the same relative positions in higher and lower octaves).  In ways impossible to describe, the Source  partitions itself into energy gestalts that know their unity, yet are aware of the other gestalts that make up the whole.  Each gestalt creates subharmonics of itself, each of which is in turn aware of the subharmonics of the other gestalts.  So Spirit of all frequencies knows itself to be the pure, joyful, creative energy of the Source. 

By virtue of being, Spirit expresses the nature of the Source through the fields it generates and the energy that it radiates into them.  Take, for example, Ariel. Some of you know this energy as an archangel.   Ariel is the function responsible for projecting the field required for the physical plane – the field conducive to energy, which is necessary to support the energy as it bursts through into the material plane.  At certain points in the field, conductivity is enhanced and the process is more efficient, resulting in physical matter as energy units congregate and coagulate.  In less conductive parts of the field, they simply don’t.  And it is all by conscious agreement.  So space is really a collective thoughtform that you all hold, but holding this thoughtform of space is just one of your many functions.  And at any point in time, the energy performing this function is different from a moment ago.  It has already changed while you’ve been reading this paragraph.

If you are called Mary Jones, the energy performing the Mary Jones function (or any function, for that matter) changes constantly.  Now Mary’s function may be to explore an aspect of motherhood, the use of power in relation to a child or sick parent, or any of a million things that Spirit wants to explore.  Also, whatever the function is, the same theme may be repeated across may incarnations from a slightly different perspective in each one.   So, the Mary Jones function furthers the cause of the Source learning more about itself.  Mary’s personality and spirit-self collectively determine how close she comes to consciously realizing her true nature as a part of the Source and therefore experiencing her undividedness with everything and everyone around her.

So we look at the world of Spirit in two ways. Firstly, Spirit is pure organized energy, aware of itself and of its oneness.  In this capacity, it doesn’t do anything; it just is.  Secondly, we see Spirit performing certain functions such as the Mary function, the John function, the St. Germain function, and of course, the Serapis function.  The energy performing these functions changes all the time.  The portion of Spirit performing the Serapis function, for example, is changing constantly, yet it understands the nature of the task and retains the appearance of consistency and continuity.

Functions vary in scope.  The Serapis function is relatively well-defined and makes up a larger function charged with supporting the intellectual clarity needed for fully conscious ascension on a planet-wide scale.  Different levels of Spirit perform different levels of this function in a well-orchestrated operation.  For example, the channel “Tony” is the level of my function that gets these thoughtforms down on paper, and, at another level, I am putting this information out on the planetary grou-mind grid, for all to tap into.

There is no one conductor in this orchestration, by the way.  The units of consciousness serving Spirit just know what’s going on and blend in at the appropriate level to literally “lend their energy.” 

Why this happens is because Spirit has an inexorable impulse to create, maintain, destroy, and create again, and seeks any and every opportunity to do so.  Some levels of Spirit have a propensity for, say, intellectual creativity, while others prefer to clear away old belief systems to create the way for the new. Destruction is every bit as creative as creativity – it’s just a matter of viewpoint.

Spirit seeks to express.  The Source knows itself through its creativity.  Your inner spirit-self seeks to express through your outer ego-self.  You created the three lower energy fields of your body and personality to provide arenas for, and a means of, expression.  You packed, and are constantly packing, energy into these arenas.  You have put your ego-self into carefully designated situations with parents, school, and friends - situations that imprinted the ego with belief at an early age.  You carefully selected the blend of energy that runs in your fields, and to some extent, you leave your ego-self to deal with them.  But this does not mean that ego and spirit are in any way separate.  Your are your spirit-self as much as you are anything.  You express it with every thought, word, and deed.  When you act from love, you allow Spirit to flow through you unimpeded.  When you act from fear (displaying hate, jealousy, greed, etc.), you are blocking the flow of love from Spirit.  The only barrier between ego and Spirit is fear.  Fear cuts ego off from Spirit, and as you, the ego-self, learn more about your true nature, the knowledge will begin to erode fear.  As you let go of your fears, you allow yourself to become more emotionally and intellectually aware of Spirit, and that allows more love in.  In this universe, the basic currency is the emotion of love.  It will find any way in that it can.  As it flows in, it dispels more fear, which allows even more love in, and so on.

So Spirit expresses through ego, the “I” that consciously knows itself.  You, the ego-self, are the physical plane “leading edge” of your vaster spirit-self.  You are its eyes, ears, and hands.  Your ego-self deals with the events around you, deciding what to do about what, but you, as ego and Spirit, jointly decide what events shall come up.  How do you know what to expect?  What will the next hour bring?

To know these things, you would widen your conscious focus to include your spirit-self. I do not advocate removing focus from the physical plane entirely, because this would negate why you incarnated here.  I do advocate, however, becoming fully aware of the contents of your three lower fields, as a prelude to coming to identify with Spirit and to embodying Spirit in your lower fields.

So the field of Spirit is one more field, over and above the three we’ve already talked about.  You live within it, but because Spirit is not limited by space or time, it is not only around “you,” as are the lower fields; this aspect of you is “everywhere.”  It empowers your other fields and expresses through them.  You are not, therefore, just your personality or outer ego-awareness.  You are much, much more. 

“What is Lightbody”
by Archangel Ariel, Channeled by Tashira Tachi-ren, Second Edition 1995
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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Απ: Σαμπάλα Ρέικι - 1ος Βαθμός
« Απάντηση #16 στις: Μαρτίου 29, 2009, 21:35:09 »
The Unified Chakra

We are grateful to Ariel and Qu’an Yin for introducing the information about the unified chakra to the planet. The shift to the unified chakra is the most vital shift you can make because it consciously affirms a recent change in the way the species operates its energy bodies.  Traditionally, the chakras were cone-shaped and centered at seven locations in the physical body field.  They were the means by which your various energy fields exchanged energy.  However, they are evolving from separate cones into one unified chakra centered on the heart chakra.  This is important because a unified chakra allows you to then align your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and to harmonize their energies.

When you as Spirit were densifying and creating the main chakra system, you introduced an energy barrier to isolate the heart or fourth chakra from the other chakras.  This was necessary for the karma game to work; it allowed the lower three chakras to run amok with little or no moderation from the heart chakra.  Thus the heart chakra had little or no role to play in the interaction between the three basic energy fields.  As a result, the major responses to life’s situations were unbalanced and out of harmony;  intellectual responses from the sixth chakra, empty communication and judgement from the fifth, ego and power-based responses from the third, sexual and creative from the second, and survival and fear-based responses from the first chakra.  These responses were perfect for creating karma because the more balanced responses such as love and compassion were dampened. 

Working with the unified chakra, you unify the higher and the seven lower chakras into one so that they all function in accordance with the frequency of love-based energy flowing through the heart center.  This also means that your three lower energy fields can align with each other and exchange energy and resonate with each other, with love as the major component of the interactions.

By expanding the unified chakra outside of the physical body as well as within it, your physical body senses itself not just as a fleshy standing wave, but as the complex energy field it really is, in which some of its energy just happens to be visible.  The mental and emotional fields are also energy, of course, but not as visible to most people.  Next, all three fields can align quite easily into one unified field because at last they’ve found a set of frequencies which they can all understand:  love.

The unified chakra eliminates all the processing that you’ve been used to and allows fast and easy alignment and unification of your energy bodies.  Another major benefit is that you can now bring much more energy through the unified chakra into your unified field.  You used to bring energy in (or channel) through separate chakras into separate fields and therefore emphasized, say, an intellectual or a power aspect of the channeled energy.  Now you can bring in a wider spectrum of energy, especially its higher frequency love-based aspects.  Also, when you channeled or did energy healing work, you may have felt a “buzz” as the energy hit resistances in your fields.   You no longer feel this because your unified fields and chakras present no resistance to the energy.  This also means that you act appropriately at all times.  You now automatically and naturally blend just the right amounts of, say, love and sexual energy, or love and power energy for the situation.  With a unified chakra, you don’t need to worry about whether you are being appropriate.  You know that you are.

Finally and most important, the unified chakra allows you to embody even more of your spirit-self.  You are no longer trying to filter its love through your mental field or its higher wisdom through your emotional field.  Everything you need comes through the unified chakra into the unified field at the same time and in exactly the proportions needed. 

It is recommended that your unify your chakras several times a day.  With a little practice, you’ll be able to say, “Unify” to yourself, and instantly snap your chakras to one unified chakra. 

Basically, the process involves getting into a comfortable, relaxed position, deepening your breathing, and breathing Light into the heart chakra.  On each out-breath, you visualize your heart chakra becoming larger, opening in all directions like a sphere.  You expand it to include each succeeding pair of chakras as you breathe in and out:  third and fifth, second and sixth, first and seventh, omega and alpha ( The alpha and omega chakras have been latent until recently, but have now been activated.  The omega chakra – eight inches below the spine – connects you to the planetary consciousness and you should now ground from the omega rather than the base chakra. The alpha chakra – eight inches above your head – connect you to your fifth-dimensional Lightbody.), eighth and your knees, ninth and your ankles, and tenth and your feet.  Your unified chakra is now a sphere of golden light, about twenty to fifty feet in diameter, and forms the center of your unified field, which could be several miles in diameter.  Your spirit field coexists with this unified field.  So now you ask the appropriate level of your own spirit to blend its energy with that of your unified field, starting at the center of the unified chakra.

You can go further and experience yourself as a truly multi-dimensional being by expanding your unified chakra to include the eleventh chakra (your group soul level), the twelfth chakra (the Christed level of your spirit-self), the thirteenth chakra (the I AM Presence), and the fourteenth chakra (the Source).

The unified chakra prevents the traditional focus of the separate chakra system that was so selective of the energy it handled.  If you perceived anger or power being directed at you, you responded unconsciously with, say, the first chakra (fear), or with the third (power).  So you either fled or stood your ground.  A whole new pattern occurs with the unified chakra.  You respond from your entire being, including Spirit, so you’ll throw a heavy dose of love into the energy stew.  You may say and do the same things as at the ego level, but the other person’s fields will get the love energy and be somewhat confused initially.  They attacked you, yet they feel this warm glow inside.  In the confusion, one or both of you will smile and suddenly the tension is broken.  So the unified chakra is the perfect panacea for all that ails you.  But what about using it for constructive ends rather than just warding off destruction?

Well, although Spirit energy is high-frequency, it generates standing waves of energy with frequencies that are bus-harmonics of its own energy.  These fit right into the frequency bands of your physical, emotional and mental fields.  Working with separate chakras used to filter out some of this energy.  The third, say, would handle power frequencies, and the fifth/sixth would handle thoughtforms, but no chakra could handle it all.  So, depending on which chakras were open, you would only allow certain facets of your spirit-self into your lower fields.  The unified chakra allows it all in -–the entire spectrum of your being.

Your response comes from your whole being, meaning that you are active rather than reactive, love-based rather than fear-based, and the transpersonal rather than personality-based.  And now you will find that even anger is divine expression. 

“What is Lightbody”
by Archangel Ariel, Channeled by Tashira Tachi-ren
Second Edition 1995
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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Απ: Σαμπάλα Ρέικι - 1ος Βαθμός
« Απάντηση #17 στις: Μαρτίου 29, 2009, 21:36:17 »
~Invocation To The Unified Chakra~

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Opening my heart
Into a beautiful ball of Light,
Allowing myself to expand.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my throat chakra
And my solar plexus chakra
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my brow chakra
And my navel chakra
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my crown chakra
And my base chakra
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my Alpha chakra
(Eight inches above my head)
And my Omega chakra
(Eight inches below my spine)
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow the Wave of Metatron
To move between these two points.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart.
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my eighth chakra
(Above my head)
And my upper thighs
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow my emotional body to merge
With my physical body.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the light to expand,
Encompassing my ninth chakra
(Above my head)
And my lower thighs
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow my mental body to merge
With my physical body.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my tenth chakra
(Above my head)
And to my knees
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow my spiritual body to merge
With my physical body,
Forming the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my eleventh chakra
(Above my head)
And my upper calves
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow the Oversoul to merge
With the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my twelfth chakra
(Above my head)
And my lower calves
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow the Christ Oversoul to merge
With the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my thirteenth chakra
(Above my head)
And my feet
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow the I AM Oversoul to merge
With the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my fourteenth chakra
(Above my head)
And to below my feet
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow the Source’s Presence to move
Throughout the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart.
I ask that
The highest level of my Spirit
Radiate forth
From the center of my heart,
Filling this unified field completely.
I radiate forth throughout this day.
I AM a unity of Spirit.

“What is Lightbody”
by Archangel Ariel, Channeled by Tashira Tachi-ren, Second Edition 1995
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/