Αποστολέας Θέμα: Cranberries star found dead in London Hilton hotel room aged 46  (Αναγνώστηκε 2583 φορές)


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Cranberries star found dead in London Hilton hotel room aged 46
« στις: Ιανουαρίου 21, 2018, 00:01:48 »
Ακόμα ένα πιθανό θανατηφόρο κοκτέιλ οπιούχων παυσίπονων και αντικαταθληπτικών. Διεξάγεται έρευνα για αποδείξεις...

The music world was rocked when it was revealed that troubled Cranberries star Dolores O'Riordan had died aged 46 .


She was deemed 'too ill' to attend court, with her solicitor telling judges she was 'receiving ongoing medical treatment and residential treatement."

Doctor subsequently diagnosed her with bipolar disorder,and the judge fined her £4,690, refusing to impose a criminal conviction on someone who was mentally unwell.

However, more trouble was in 2017 when she was forced to cancel a string of Cranberries gigs due to a debilitating bad back.

Despite apologising to fans, the band was forced to speak out when some suggested Dolores should just perform the shows seated.

"Unfortunately it is not as simple as that," the group wrote on Facebook.

"Dolores' back problem is in the mid to upper area of her spine and the breathing and diaphragmatic movements associated with singing put pressure on the muscles and nerves in that area and exacerbate the pain.

"Sitting does not give any relief and at times in her case it can actually worsen the pain. Please be assured that we would not have cancelled these shows if there was any way that Dolores could perform them.

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