Αποστολέας Θέμα: Fitzegrald Report 1953 Conspiracy to supress natural cancer treatments.  (Αναγνώστηκε 1880 φορές)


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Fitzegrald Report 1953 Conspiracy to supress natural cancer treatments.
« στις: Μαρτίου 14, 2017, 02:32:54 »


Fitzegrald Report 1953 Conspiracy to supress natural cancer treatments.

"In the 1950's, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine. He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to eliminate alternative options.

The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record Appendix August 3, 1953.

*We are conditioned to think that conspiracies are only conjectures and the domain of the lunatic fringe - when a conspiracy is nothing but another name for cartels, monopolies, cabals, combines etc.. This is simply another bait and switch tactic to confuse us from seeing the truth. CG

One issue modern, orthodox medicine still fails to accept or take seriously, is "cause" and "maintenance". That is to deal not just with surgery of sick tissue; but to deal with the cause of the problem, to try to prevent it in the first place; and, further, to try to prevent it from recurring!"

Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/