Αποστολέας Θέμα: Dr. Murray, Τι δεν μας λένε οι Φαρμακοβιομηχανίες, και οι Γιατροί δεν γνωρίζουν  (Αναγνώστηκε 8502 φορές)


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To Κίνημα εναντίον των συμφερόντων των φαρμακοβιομηχανιών, γιγαντώνεται ήδη στις ΗΠΑ, μια και πλήθος ανθρώπινες ζωές, καταστρέφονται αντί να σωθούν, στα χέρια δήθεν ειδικών της κλασσικής ιατρικής.

Join Dr. Michael Murray and Richard Taylor in the new PBS Special, "What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You, and Your Doctor Doesn't Know"

Dr. Murray PBS Special Pt.1

Dr. Murray PBS Special Pt.2

Dr. Murray PBS Special Pt.3

Dr. Murray PBS Special Pt.4

Dr. Murray PBS Special Pt.5

Dr. Murray PBS Special Pt.6


From one of today's leading authorities on natural medicine comes a provocative look into how the pharmaceutical and medical industries have created our current health crisis and a practical guide to the holistic treatments that may help you and your loved ones.
Modern medicine offers many wonders, but an ever-present reliance on medications to cure what ails us is at the core of America's health crisis. Drawing on more than thirty years' worth of scientific research, Dr. Michael T. Murray has assembled irrefutable evidence that the pharmaceutical treatments for the most common diseases that plague our society are often ineffective and result in serious, widespread side effects -- the existence of which is frequently hidden from the public.

"What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know" offers a close look at the way that the American healthcare system has evolved in the last fifty years and examines the roles of the FDA, the pharmaceutical monopolies, and the medical community in producing what has become a failing healthcare system with little accountability. Dr. Murray illustrates how a nationwide dependence on pills has hobbled health in America and resulted in a national wellness epidemic as lifestyle, ignorance, and politics collide in our medicine cabinets.

At a time when adverse reactions to over-the-counter and prescription drugs are currently estimated to kill more than 100,000 Americans a year (making this the fourth leading cause of death in the United States behind cancer, heart disease, and stroke) and when Americans use more than 40 percent of all of the prescription drugs produced in the world each year (according to the World Health Organization) yet are forty-second in terms of life expectancy, we must radically reevaluate the way that we take care of ourselves.

Both a call to arms and a practical guide to the natural treatments that could revolutionize both your health and the well-being of the entire nation, "What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know" provides clear guidance on the steps needed to help you lead a fitter, happier, and healthier life.
« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Ιουνίου 16, 2012, 15:00:30 από Rose »
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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Μερικά βιβλία που μας έχει προτείνει ο Dr. Murray, όσον αφορά την τραγική κατάσταση στον τομέα της υγείας, που έχουμε πλέον εισέλθει, λόγω των Μαφιόζικων συμφερόντων των φαρμακοβιομηχανιών...

Our Daily Meds: How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves into Slick Marketing Machines and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs


In the last thirty years, the big pharmaceutical companies have transformed themselves into marketing machines selling dangerous medicines as if they were Coca-Cola or Cadillacs. They pitch drugs with video games and soft cuddly toys for children; promote them in churches and subways, at NASCAR races and state fairs. They’ve become experts at promoting fear of disease, just so they can sell us hope.
No question: drugs can save lives. But the relentless marketing that has enriched corporate executives and sent stock prices soaring has come with a dark side. Prescription pills taken as directed by physicians are estimated to kill one American every five minutes. And that figure doesn’t reflect the damage done as the overmedicated take to the roads.
Our Daily Meds connects the dots for the first time to show how corporate salesmanship has triumphed over science inside the biggest pharmaceutical companies and, in turn, how this promotion driven industry has taken over the practice of medicine and is changing American life.
It is an ageless story of the battle between good and evil, with potentially life-changing consequences for everyone, not just the 65 percent of Americans who unscrew a prescription cap every day. An industry with the promise to help so many is now leaving a legacy of needless harm.
Melody Petersen covered the pharmaceutical beat for The New York Times for four years. In 1997, her investigative reporting won a Gerald Loeb Award, one of the highest honors in business journalism. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles.
A Finalist for the Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism

In the last thirty years, the big pharmaceutical companies have transformed themselves into marketing machines selling dangerous medicines as if they were Coca-Cola or Cadillacs. They pitch drugs with video games and soft cuddly toys for children; promote them in churches and subways, at NASCAR races and state fairs. They’ve become experts at promoting fear of disease, just so they can sell us hope.
There is no doubt that pharmaceutical drugs can save lives. But the relentless marketing that has enriched corporate executives and sent stock prices soaring has not come without consequences. Prescription pills taken as directed by physicians are estimated to kill one American every five minutes. And that figure doesn’t reflect the damage done as the overmedicated take to the roads.
In Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen connects the dots to show how corporate salesmanship has triumphed over science inside the biggest pharmaceutical companies and, in turn, how this promotion driven industry has taken over the practice of medicine and is changing American life. She shows how an industry with the promise to help so many is leaving a legacy of needless harm and potentially life-changing consequences for everyone, not just the 65 percent of Americans who unscrew a prescription cap every day.
"Everyone talks about health care, but few ask why we're so sick to begin with. Melody Petersen's book goes a long way toward explaining that the people who came up with the 'cures' are actually the problem."—Bill Maher, Real Time

"Full disclosure: Not long ago I worked as one of a small army of associates defending pharmaceutical products liability cases. As one fellow lawyer put it, we were 'making the world safe for giant pharmaceutical companies.' Much of my time was spent reviewing marketing for the drug at issue. Given that, I read Our Daily Meds, by former New York Times writer [Petersen] with no small measure of interest. The subtitle—How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves into Slick Marketing Machines and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs—gives a small hint of the book's attitude toward big pharma. And given how easy a target drugmakers are, I was expecting somewhat of a hatchet job. Instead, I found myself thoroughly persuaded by Petersen's book. She presents a cogent, well-researched argument that pharmaceutical companies, under pressure from investors, have become supremely focused on developing 'blockbuster' billion-dollar-a-year drugs . . . Petersen's indictment of the pharmaceutical companies, and more surprisingly, the doctors who play along, is damning. She describes how doctors are treated to all-expense-paid conferences at resorts and hotels by the drug companies and then complain when they're not chauffeured to and from, or when there's inadequate entertainment for their children. Or doctors are paid to let their names be listed as authors on articles in medical journals written by pharmaceutical companies, copies of which are then distributed to other doctors by the company's marketers as though they're independent confirmation of the drug's safety and efficacy . . . Attorneys who may have touched one of the numerous product liability lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies and their products will likely find this book extremely interesting. But non-lawyer healthcare consumers will also gain a tremendous amount from this well-researched book."—Fabio Bertoni, New York Law Journal Magazine  

"A devastating, often shocking, critique of a once proud industry that has been converted by corporate greed into a vast marketing machine that is often a menace to health.  Petersen supports her indictment with an abundance of fascinating detail and human interest stories.  An excellent contribution to the growing demand for better regulation of an industry that has grown way too powerful and heedless of the interests of its customers."—Marcia Angell, M. D., Senior Lecturer in Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Arnold S. Relman, M. D., Prof. Emeritus of Medicine and of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
"Drug companies have institutionalized deception, said a former pharmaceutical executive at a 1990 Senate hearing. And former New York Times reporter Petersen details these deceptions with information that will be startling even to those who closely follow the news on big pharma. Her subtitle, How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves into Slick Marketing Machines and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs, is most effectively illustrated in a chapter detailing Parke-Davis's aggressive marketing of the epilepsy drug Neurontin for everything, in blatant disregard of regulations against promoting drugs for uses not approved by the FDA. Such reporting, rather than style or analysis, is Petersen's strength. Much of what she recounts—such as the glut of copycat drugs like antacids, and marketers' lavish wining and dining of doctors—has been covered in books by others, like Marcia Angell. But Petersen fleshes out these issues and names prominent doctors who, she says, are on the take. She is particularly strong on the ghostwriting of medical journal articles by advertising agencies. She also covers less familiar matters, like the environmental impact of drug residues in water . . . she ends with tough, sound suggestions for reforms to make the pharmaceutical industry honest and to protect consumers."—Publishers Weekly
No question: drugs can save lives. But the relentless marketing that has enriched corporate executives and sent stock prices soaring has come with a dark side. Prescription pills taken as directed by physicians are estimated to kill one American every five minutes. And that figure doesn’t reflect the damage done as the overmedicated take to the roads.
« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Ιουνίου 16, 2012, 15:04:05 από Rose »
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America

Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America is a stunning exposé into the secret world of the FDA, Wall Street, and drug companies. At stake is the health and well-being of all Americans. Adverse reactions, even deaths, are hidden while dangerous drugs are pushed on Americans, especially children simply for profit. The FDA is actively attacking health freedom and seeking to eliminate natural health options. Arm yourself with invaluable information that will help you take charge of your health: + FDA working on behalf of drug companies + Mind-control through "mental health" + The true Codex story; health option control + Globalization at the expense of Americans + Poisoning us with our food and water + Your DNA in government computers
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It

During her two decades at The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Marcia Angell had a front-row seat on the appalling spectacle of the pharmaceutical industry. She watched drug companies stray from their original mission of discovering and manufacturing useful drugs and instead become vast marketing machines with unprecedented control over their own fortunes. She saw them gain nearly limitless influence over medical research, education, and how doctors do their jobs. She sympathized as the American public, particularly the elderly, struggled and increasingly failed to meet spiraling prescription drug prices. Now, in this bold, hard-hitting new book, Dr. Angell exposes the shocking truth of what the pharmaceutical industry has become–and argues for essential, long-overdue change.

Currently Americans spend a staggering $200 billion each year on prescription drugs. As Dr. Angell powerfully demonstrates, claims that high drug prices are necessary to fund research and development are unfounded: The truth is that drug companies funnel the bulk of their resources into the marketing of products of dubious benefit. Meanwhile, as profits soar, the companies brazenly use their wealth and power to push their agenda through Congress, the FDA, and academic medical centers.

Zeroing in on hugely successful drugs like AZT (the first drug to treat HIV/AIDS), Taxol (the best-selling cancer drug in history), and the blockbuster allergy drug Claritin, Dr. Angell demonstrates exactly how new products are brought to market. Drug companies, she shows, routinely rely on publicly funded institutions for their basic research; they rig clinical trials to make their products look better than they are; and they use their legions of lawyers to stretch out government-granted exclusive marketing rights for years. They also flood the market with copycat drugs that cost a lot more than the drugs they mimic but are no more effective.

The American pharmaceutical industry needs to be saved, mainly from itself, and Dr. Angell proposes a program of vital reforms, which includes restoring impartiality to clinical research and severing the ties between drug companies and medical education. Written with fierce passion and substantiated with in-depth research, The Truth About the Drug Companies is a searing indictment of an industry that has spun out of control.
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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Dr.Michael Murray - Pilgrim's Market

DESCRIPTION: Dr. Murray will highlight the not-so-hidden agenda of the drug companies and provide information that your doctor doesn't know about popular drugs and natural products. Discover how natural products can help you improve bone health, hormone balance, mood, heart health and cholesterol, hair, skin and nails, blood sugar levels and weight management for a longer, healthier life.

BIO: Dr. Michael Murray, N.D. is widely regarded as one of the world's leading authorities in the field of natural medicine. He is a graduate of and serves on the Board of Regents at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Co-author of A Textbook of Natural Medicine, the definitive textbook on naturopathic medicine for physicians, He is also the author of over 30 other popular books. Dr. Murray has dedicated his life to educating physicians, patients, and the general public on the tremendous healing power of nature.

* The information provided in these educational events and any discussions between the customer and an employee, agent or affiliate of Pilgrim's Market are not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a specific disease or the assessment of a specific health condition. They are instead intended for informational purposes, that when added to other information, aid the participants in making more informed personal decisions regarding their health. They are not intended to replace the attention or advice of a physician or other health-care professional. Anyone who wishes to embark on any dietary, drug, exercise or other lifestyle change intended to prevent or treat a specific disease or condition should consult with and seek clearance from a qualified health-care professional.
« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Ιουνίου 16, 2012, 22:43:56 από Rose »
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/


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'Οταν ο ΛΑΟΣ, αφυπνιστεί, δεν συγχωρεί και καταδικάζει, αυστηρά, όλα τα ΕΓΚΛΗΜΑΤΑ, είτε στο χώρο της υγείας, είτε στο χώρο της παιδείας, είτε στο χώρο της πολιτικής.

Αρκεί να υπάρξουν ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΙ, πραγματικοί, να ξεσηκωθούν, ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΕΣ, πραγματικοί, Νοήμονες 'Ανθρωποι, να πρωτοπορήσουν, και να γυρίσουν το ποτάμι ανάποδα.

Δεν είναι έργο ενός και δύο ανθρώπων, είναι έργο, πολλών ανθρώπων, που θα αγωνιστούμε όλοι μαζί, να σωθεί η χώρα μας, που θα αγωνιστούμε να σωθεί όλος ο πλανήτης ΓΗ, αρκεί να κατανοήσουμε πως χωρίς αυτό το έργο αυτών των ηρώων, η ζωή δεν συνεχίζεται.  Θα σταματήσει εδώ.  Διότι πάρα πολλά έχουν διαβρωθεί, πάρα πολλά έχουν καταντήσει μία Απάτη, αρκεί η Αληθινή Ανθρωπιά, να αφυπνιστεί στις καρδιές και στους νόες των Αληθινών και Εκλεκτών Ηλιο-γέννητων.

'Εσσεται 'Ημαρ...
« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Ιουλίου 20, 2013, 14:19:15 από Rose »
Ο Ροδόκηπος πρωτοπορεί Παγκόσμια έχοντας και πρόληψη και φυσική αντιμετώπιση του Κορονοιού. Ενημερώστε άπαντες να γκουγκλάρουν ΡΟΔΟΚΗΠΟΣ ΚΟΡΟΝΟΙΟΣ. https://www.rodokipos.com/ioseis-loimoxeis/koronoios/