Πνευματική Ακαδημία του Ροδόκηπου των Φιλοσόφων > Μεταφυσική, Παραψυχολογία

Πνευματική Θεραπευτική - Bruno Groening


Το φαινόμενο του Bruno Groening

Born in Danzig in 1906, Bruno Groening achieved world fame in 1949 because of the many healings he effected. When the media circulated the first sensational reports, thousands of people from all over Europe and as far afield as America converged on him wherever he appeared - and miraculous healings took place. But the opposition to him was strong. The authorities, the medical fraternity and the Church obstructed his work wherever possible, and until his death in 1959 he met with resistance and legal actions. Grete Häusler, who today heads the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends, takes up the story after 1959, and people, who have been cured by following his teachings, report their experiences.

Bruno Groning in English

Bruno Groening Circle of Friends, one of the largest associations for spiritual healing in the world.

EN-Bruno Groening Miracle healer - Miracle healing

Spiritual healing: Invitation to University lectures


Doctor’s Commentary

There are numerous painful illnesses here: decades-long, chronic back pain triggered by two herniated disks in the lumbar spine, which could only be mitigated by two operations; a chronic inflammation in both shoulders; a typical, neurologically-confirmed case of carpal tunnel syndrome; severe migraines; and finally a full-blown fibromyalgia.

From a medical point of view no healing would have been possible anymore. The lasting liberation from the chronic ailments after conscious absorption of the Heilstrom is for me as a doctor very impressive and convincing.

Bruno Groening compared a person with a battery. He pointed out that everyone burns up vital energy. However, new energy to replace it is often insufficiently absorbed. In the same way that an empty battery is incapable of functioning, a body without energy is also unable to fulfil its tasks. The consequences are: fatigue, exhaustion, nervousness, anxieties and finally, illness.

Bruno Groening’s teachings explain how an individual is able to obtain new energy. To this end, the belief in goodness is as necessary a prerequisite as the will for health. The human body is constantly environed by healing waves which only have to be absorbed. According to Bruno Groening, no illness is incurable, and this fact is confirmed by the healings that have occurred and have been medically verified. These healings are spiritual and therefore independent of Bruno Groening’s physical presence.

In order to absorb this healing stream, the person seeking help sits with his hands open, palms upward. His arms and legs are not crossed, for this blocks the free flow of the healing stream. Thoughts about illness and personal problems have an inhibiting effect, while thoughts about something pleasant are beneficial.

As the healing stream flows through the body it makes contact with the sick organ and begins its purification effect. This may lead to pain, which is an indication that the body is being cleansed. Since the illness as such is not the will of God, it will gradually be removed. In some cases this can be spontaneous. This is why it is essential that the person concerned does not dwell on his illness but should rather believe that for God, no illness is incurable.

In order to remain healthy, the friends of Bruno Groening tune in to the healing stream every day. A healthy body is the basis for all life in harmony with oneself, other human beings and Nature.

The aim of the teachings of Bruno Groening is to transform a sick person into somebody who is full of the joy of living and free from physical and emotional problems.


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