[New Scientist]
You can tell a lot about a person from their eyes, and now that seems to extend to memories hidden deep in the brain.
By relating subtle eye movements to activity in the brain, researchers in California have shown that a structure called the hippocampus can retrieve memories of past events or experiences – even when people have no conscious recollection of them.
The hippocampus is a structure near the base of the brain in a region called the medial temporal lobe. It has long been known to be involved in conscious recollection, but its role in encoding latent memories – those that cannot consciously be recalled – has not been clear.
To probe the structure's role in unconscious memory, Deborah Hannula and Charan Ranganath of the University of California, Davis, made use of tell-tale eye movements. Tracking small movements of the eyes can reveal information about what a person has experienced, even without conscious memory of it.
The eyes have it
"The eyes know, even when the individual might not," says Neal Cohenof the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a former colleague of Hannula's who pioneered the study of memory-related eye movements.
Hannula and Ranganath first trained volunteers by showing them images of faces paired with background scenes. Then they ran tests in which the volunteers were shown one of the scenes, to cue their memories, followed by the same scene superimposed with three previously learned faces.
The volunteers correctly identified the face previously paired with the scene nearly two thirds of the time. But careful analysis of the volunteers' eye movements, combined with measurements of brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging, revealed that the hippocampus was often retrieving memories even if these recollections didn't make it to the level of consciousness.
In trials in which volunteers spent the longest time looking at the right face, rather than one of the other two, their hippocampuses had been more active when the scene was flashed up as a cue – irrespective of whether they correctly identified the face that had been paired in training with that scene.
Problem solving
The researchers then analysed only those trials in which the volunteers made the wrong choice or answered "don't know". Again, in trials where the volunteers' hippocampuses were more active when the scene cue was flashed up, they spent more time looking at the correct face while trying and failing to consciously identify it.
"This study has provided the clearest evidence to date that the hippocampus is very much engaged, even when one is incorrect," says Howard Eichenbaum of Boston University, who studies the structure's importance for memory in rats. "It knows something about what one saw in a particular place."
Hannula is now using memory-related eye movements to explore the cognitive problems that plague people with schizophrenia. Already this has shown that schizophrenia patients have particular problems noticing what has changed in a previously learned scene in which an object has been moved, but do better at recognising when the object has been replaced with something else.