'Αρθρα και συζητήσεις: 'Εσωτερικές Σχολές και Μυητικά Συστήματα > ΡΕΙΚΙ
Σαμπάλα Ρέικι - 4ος Βαθμός
The Yoga of Laughter
Quan Yin
I Am Quan Yin. The voice of Quan Yin is seldom channeled. Many ones don’t even know who I am. I AM the Chairlady of the Karmic board. I AM the Goddess of Compassion and the Goddess of Mercy, but also I would like to be known as the Goddess of Laughter, because I bring to you just a few short sentences which I would like you to listen to very carefully. My sister, Mary, brings you a message of Compassion and Love. She brings you ways that, if you use them, you can easily become Love. I come to give you the message that if you laugh, it will be easier to become Love.
Many ones think that this spiritual life is serious, that all ones should have straight faces and be thinking, “I AM Love, I AM Light. I will not enjoy myself because it is not spiritual. Laughing in the presence of Mother/Father God is not allowed.” I come to tell you that Mother/Father God loves Laughter, and the main part of this message is – learn to laugh at yourselves. Because when you learn to laugh at yourselves, you will be able to let go of this seriousness, to let go of this fear and conditioning from which you all suffer. When you laugh, you will release waves of energy that ripple through the universe. Not only through the universe, but through the multi-dimensional universes. When you laugh in the third dimension, many beings enjoy this laughter and laugh with you. So remember, make jokes about yourselves. It is a good way to get through your blocks, making jokes about yourselves. Learn to laugh when you see something in yourself, when you see habits, these habit patterns, within yourselves that you have been suffering from – energies that have been holding you back through fear. Let them go by laughter. Don’t run around saying, “How can I deal with this? How can I let this go?” Laugh! Because laughter is the essence of Love.
And when you can laugh at yourself, remember that you are also being compassionate towards yourself. Many ones would say, “I am a compassionate being. I am compassionate to all.” And then would add as an afterthought, “But how can I be compassionate to myself?” How can you be a compassionate being if you are not compassionate to yourself? Being compassionate to oneself is true compassion. So, learn to laugh. Spiritual life, I tell you, is not serious. It is the conditioning of the priests and priestesses that tell you that you must not laugh in the presence of God. They forgot that the presence of God is everywhere, that God IS. So were they telling us that we must not laugh at all, anywhere upon earth, or even on any other planet, or through the multi-dimensional universes, should people not laugh? I say – keep laughing. Remember these jokes, because as you make jokes about yourself, you will learn a lot about yourself, and instead of saying, “I hate this wo/man, my Self” – laugh! Laugh, “OK, I have this habit, it is funny. It is not something that I should be sorry for and hide, because I think that I am not worthy.” All ones are worthy in the eyes of God, my children. So take this laughter, take this energy of laughter and use it. This message of laughter that I bring you, you don’t have to sit and you don’t have to open up your hearts to receive laughter. The laughter is already within you. So now we have a new form of yoga. It is called Laughter Yoga, and this Laughter Yoga means that instead of being serious for five hundred years, and starving yourself and denying yourself, you can now laugh for five hundred years. And instead of being half starved, half crazy, filthy and all the other things that you did with yoga for five hundred years, after five hundred years you will be beautiful. You will have no lines upon your faces except the lines of laughter, not the lines of fear. You will not have wrinkled foreheads and brows. You will have lines around your mouth, you will have lines around your eyes that when you laugh, they twinkle and move. You will become whole through laughter.
So, my message is, starting today practicing this Yoga of Laughter. This Yoga of Laughter will enlighten you. Think of this word enlightenment. It has been used upon this planet for thousands of years, “I want to become enlightened.” But if you break up this word enlightened, it is en-lightened. People would ask, “Why would I want to become light?” Because you will become enlightened! That is why you want or need to become light. It is very, very simple. I will leave you with one final thought, and this is – why can angels fly? Because they are light! Remember these words, and most of all my message of laughter. Laughter Yoga is the lesson of the day. Bless you all my children.
(Channeled by John Armitage/Hari Das Melchizedek)
I am Kuthumi. Namaste brothers and sisters. It is not too often that I speak through this one like this, but there are many Masters involved in this celebration, and many ones waiting to come through, not only this one, but others that are involved in this celebration. But I can say that because of my position as World Teacher (sometimes these titles do come in handy) I was allowed to take center stage first. So I come to speak to you about the subject of worthiness. Already I see that ones are thinking, "Is he talking to me? ". Yes, I am talking to all of you.
This thing worthiness means many things to many different people. Some ones would think that, "I'm not qualified to work with the Ascended Masters. I am not qualified to be a channel for the energies of the Ascended Masters. I am not qualified to become light and take my ascension." This idea, if you hold it in your minds that you are not qualified, extends from feelings of unworthiness. I would like to inform you officially that all ones are worthy. All ones are worthy. I would like you to think about these words, not only think about them, but allow them to sink deep into your consciousness and your sub-consciousness. It is as well to look into the reasons why many ones feel unworthy.
Many ones feel unworthy because of their past, but the past is the past, and the past brought you to the present. It doesn't matter to Mother/Father God or the Lords and Ladies of Shamballa, the Ascended Masters, what your past is. Your past in this life and your previous pasts. When I say previous, I mean your past in other lives. The past is gone, it has disappeared. I would also like to tell you that in many ways there is no future. There is only NOW, this split second in which you hear the first fragment of my words. This split second is the only place worth living, because if you try and live in the past the energies of the past are brought into now. They affect your energy fields, they affect your chakras, they also affect your emotional bodies.
Do you understand what is being said here? This is the reason why the flame of St Germain is so useful, because every time you start to experience these feelings of emotion that stem from past conditioning, these feelings of emotion that stem from fear, consign them to the silver, violet flame for transmutation into love. The silver, violet flame is the cosmic garbage disposal system, and it isn't like the garbage disposal systems in the third dimension. It cannot be overloaded. The silver, violet flame has a massive appetite and asks to be fed with these energies that have disassociated themselves from the Source.
Back to the unworthiness, I would ask how many ones can honestly put up their hands in this group and say that in every lifetime that they ever had since they were created, since their monad was created at the first outpouring from the Source, they have continuously had lives in Light? How many lives have you had, all of you and all of us too, as the Lords and Ladies of Shamballa, the Ascended Masters, how many lives did we have when we didn't work with the Light? You have heard this channel say this many times, but again I, Kuthumi, say it to you to reinforce it in your consciousness - there are only two teams at play in God's plan. One wears light T-shirts and one wears dark T-shirts. There is nothing else. There is nothing to fear. If you went to a football match, would you fear the team that was wearing a T-shirt that wasn't the same as the T-shirt of the team you were supporting? Of course you wouldn't. I would like you to look at what is happening here upon your planet as a football game. I can see that that presses some buttons.
Does everybody think that you have to be holy, serious, not laugh, not be joyous and not have fun in the spiritual process that will take you to freedom and your ascension? I say to you, look upon it as a football match and through your skills in grounding the Light and your skills with working with the energies of the Ascended Masters, the game will be won. And once the game is won, the other team will not be defeated. They will change their T-shirts. They will join us on this journey of fun, love, freedom and laughter. So again I say to you, forget the unworthiness. It is in the past. I would like you all to say now, collectively, after me, "I affirm I am worthy. I Am that I Am." Do you feel the changes of energies within you? Do you feel the lightness that flows into your bodies now? So don't forget this affirmation. Make this affirmation of worthiness continuously. Any time that you feel that you are unworthy, just affirm that you are worthy, and everything takes a 360 degree turn.
Every time there are energies at work within your life that have disassociated themselves from the Source, these energies which want to throw you into confusion and fear, affirm that you are Light and Love. Use the 'I Am that I Am' affirmation. Some ones I know don't understand what these words 'I Am that I Am' mean. When you make this affirmation it links you, it sets up the two way flow of energy, between you and your Monad, your Higher Self or I Am Presence. There is some confusion in the way people use these words. Some people think that their Higher Selves are their Souls. Your Higher Self is your Monad, your spark, your individual spark of the Creator's essence. That spark of energy which has the capability of extending itself and creating souls. Notice that the plural word is used here - souls. Each Monad is capable of creating twelve souls, and each of those twelve souls is capable of creating another twelve soul extensions. I don't need a calculator to work out that this makes 144. The magical numbers again, 144, 144 thousand. How many times is this 144 thousand mentioned in the philosophy and science of ascension? So these words, this affirmation "I Am That I Am" links you with your monad, your I Am Presence. Your monad is the keeper or holder of your personal blueprint. This I would point out is different to the seed blueprint for creation, which is held in the mind of the Creator. Your personal blueprint is your monad's plan, or your monadic plan, for your spiritual ascension, for your spiritual work etc. in this present life.
At this present time, upon this beautiful goddess upon which you all live, the Goddess Gaia, Mother Earth, this planet which is more beautiful than any other planet in this aspect of creation, within which you experience, this Goddess Gaia, this alive being, she is more alive than many human beings right now. She is living, she is breathing, she is growing. She's channeling the energies of love. You live upon her, just like many beings live upon your skin and upon your body. You may not be able to see the beings that live upon your body, or even within your body, but there are billions of them. If you are balanced and free from disease, well then you are termed within the fifth dimension 'well'. All the beings that live upon you, and all the beings that live inside you, are all living in a state of harmony. Now is the time that the Goddess Gaia, Mother Earth, is asking for the beings that live upon her to live in harmony with her. This living in harmony with her is multi-faceted and multi-leveled. It is so simple at one end of the scale, that she asks you to walk upon her gently. Not to stamp your feet as you go about your daily lives, but to understand that you are treading on a living being, and to tread lovingly and carefully. And on the other end of the scale, Mother Earth asks you not to dump your confused emotional energies into her. Not to dump chemicals, not to dump radio-active waste, not to dump polluting substances upon her body and within her body. She would like you to know that if you do walk gently upon her
and you do turn around this poisoning of her through your Love and through your Light, then this transition into Light that she has chosen as a living being will take place in a gentle manner.
You see you are all co-creators. Co-Creators. Think of this - you are co-creators in so much as that you can create Heaven upon this planet. And not only are you co-creators, you are also creator gods, because you can create your own reality. So it is a question of creating your own reality. A reality of peace, a reality of love, a reality of compassion and a reality of Light, within your own hearts and within your own minds, and with others co-create that same reality for all that live upon and within the Earth Mother. You are all worthy of this. It is possible that this worthiness can be realized in a fraction of time that is less than the clicking of fingers.
So I would ask you all now to realize that you are all worthy, to walk in love, to walk in Light, to open up your hearts and allow the energy of love, the energy of Mary, the energy of Isis, the energy of Shakti, the energy of Lakshmi, the energy of Radharani, the energy of Sananda, the energy of Krishna, the energy of Shiva to flow through your hearts and transform you into Light and Love.
A short lesson for you, very straight and to the point. I leave now. I am Kuthumi. I leave you with my love, I leave you with my Light and I say to you that it is a great honor to be amongst so many shining beings. It is an honor which I very gladly receive. The last thing I say to you is think Love and BE Love.
Channeled by John Armitage at the Eye of the Sun on 26 April 1996.
I Am that I Am. I Am the Mahatma. The Mahatma, the energy of freedom, the energy of Love, the energy of transformation.
This transformation means that it is now possible to create your own reality. A reality of Love, a reality of harmony. Mahatma can transmute the energies of oppression into the energies of Love and freedom. Love and freedom are yours as a birthright.
Your birthright is wholeness. Wholeness is Love. It is unconditional and compassionate. Be first compassionate to yourself. Realize that working on yourself is the first job, the first task which must be tirelessly worked on until the transformation to Love takes place. When you have achieved Love and compassion for yourselves co-create the reality of Love.
Let's work on co-creating the energy of Love. The Mahatma is Love. Allow this Love to flow through your heart and speed your journey to freedom, your journey to mastery. Mastery over the elements, mastery over the Self and mastery over the reality on Earth. Let's create a reality of Love. A reality in which love is the only thing. It is unconditional. It is flowing from the I Am Presence of the Mahatma. Invite Mahatma into your life.
Mahatma is the blended energies of the Source. This Source is a never ending generator of love which is unconditional. Open up your hearts and allow this Love to flow into it. Through this Love you will achieve mastery over your own reality. Create your own reality of Love. Create your own reality of freedom. I am the Mahatma. I Am that I Am. I Am Light. I Am Love. Allow the chalice in your hearts to overflow with the silver and gold energy that is Mahatma. Absorb this energy into the very core of your being. Now see this energy, feel it in every atom of your body. Feel your body turn to Light. The MerKaBas are activated. MerKaBas spinning, spinning, activating the Light, activating your aura so that you can further absorb the energies of the Mahatma. I Am the Mahatma. Know that Love is freedom. Know the Light, see the Light, feel the Light, BE the Light.
This Light is the energy of Mahatma. Mahatma is not the road to freedom, Mahatma IS freedom. The Rider on the White Horse, The Avatar of Synthesis. The Avatar of Synthesis is present upon the planet. Effects are set into movement which will bring about changes in reality. These energies will bring about changes in reality which have never been known upon your planet. The energy of Mahatma will transform. It will activate the Christ Consciousness in all beings. All beings will become Light, and by this Light and with this Light, you will be able to traverse many, many areas of vibration, numerous dimensions of experience. Not like staying in the death state. It will be an adventure into Light. It will be an adventure into Love. The Source Is. Love Is.
We say to you time is short. Now is the time to take the first step on this journey, this journey of transformation. This journey that will culminate in merging with the Mahatma, the I Am Presence of Mother – Father - God. Know that you are from the Source, that you are part and parcel of the Creator. That you are an individual spark of the Creator's essence. This essence is compassion and Unconditional Love. This energy is the driving force, the welding force, the cohesive energy with which the whole of creation is kept together. This Unconditional Love flows through everything. It IS everything. There is nothing apart from it except the things that want to be apart. But know that if you want to become a part of it just open your heart and allow the compassion and Love to flow through you. This energy is a direct outpouring from the Source, Mahatma, the I Am Presence of the Source, the source of energy which is going to free mankind. Free them from the fetters of their consciousness. Allow them to expand into Love, allow them to expand into Light.
This Light will be seen through many universes, and it will spread throughout the 352 levels back to Godhead. Angels and Archangels will join in the celebration as the Light of humanity spreads with Love back to the Source, Mahatma. Transform, recycle the energies of control, the energies of fear and oppression, by channeling it through your Heart Chakras. Allow the energy of Mahatma to flow through your hearts and these energies will become Light, will become Love. The fetters of oppression are about to fall and we shall walk into the Light.
The Archangels and the angels shall be the torch bearers. They will lead those souls that are brave enough to stamp down their own systems of control. Let go of your conditioning, let go of your fear, and know that a new age dawns. Know that Mahatma, Merlin, Arthur, Wotanna, Kuthumi will lead us to victory. This victory is assured. Because there is Light, darkness cannot exist. Where the Light shines bright there are no shadows. There's no grayness, there's no oppression and misery. All there is, is freedom. Freedom! Use this freedom wisely. Know that you are a Co-Creator, so use this freedom to create the Light, to fuel the Light until it becomes pure Unconditional Love. You will see that your systems are crumbling. You will see that your cities are falling into disrepair. These are the signs that proceed major changes, both in the systems of oppression and also in the systems that create freedom. Know that it will fall. Know that it will crumble and it will be replaced with a civilization of beings that have transmuted into Light, that have transmuted into Love, and have no use for oppression, no use for the energies of fear. Go forward into freedom and accept the Mahatma. I Am the Mahatma.
I AM Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame or, the Violet Flame with the added dimension of the Silver Violet Flame. Because, as times change and the vibrations go faster, the vibrations are accelerated, we have to add other colors to assist those that you've already been using.
Higher vibrations mean different times, so different cures and different methods are called for. So, the Silver Violet Flame. There are many things you can do with it. one thing you can do is you can get It to consume all your negative feelings and emotions. Just consign all that aggravates you in that way into the Silver Violet Flame. So, when you find your thoughts moving in directions that you don't want them to move in thoughts that are interrupting that flow of Christ Energy into your physical body. When you work out what these interruptions are and as time goes on, it becomes much easier for ones to do this, just consign them into the Silver Violet Flame.
There are also Mantras you can use. Of course, it only means that you have to add the Silver bit to the Violet Flame Mantras, themost useful or easiest many ones find to use is:
I AM a Being of Silver Violet Fire. I AM the purity God desires.
Now, I give this Mantra to you to use in your daily lives for several reasons. One is that this is a Cleansing effect. You could say that the Silver Violet Flame Mantras are Spiritual antiseptics. You can flood your consciousness, your minds, your physical bodies, with this spiritual antiseptic and ALL will become clean. But, if you chant this Mantra in the mornings when in your bath or on the loo, you will find that it brings the Silver Violet Color, the Silver Violet Energy into your space, into your living room and of cause, this heightens the vibration. We're not suggesting you take up this system of chanting on beads or an exact number of these Mantras every day and taking it up as a discipline in that way.
Although if you are going to take up the chanting of Mantra, if you chant this Mantra day after day, this is one Mantra that is very worthwhile thinking about. But just use this Mantra in your daily lives, chant it a few dozen times a day and you will find that every thing starts to become Silver Violet. The vibration gets into the walls of your house, into the metal work of your cars, into the metals of your jewelry, into your energy system, both physical and spiritual. You will actually start shining Silver Violet!
So, we could chant a few repetitions and see the vibrations. I AM a Being of Silver Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God desires, I AM a Being of Silver Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God desires. I AM a Being of Silver Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God desires, This is very good because many are putting the emphasis on ' I AM', because the important part of this Mantra is I AM. The important part of the Ascension process is realizing that you ARE the ' I AM' Presence.
So use this Mantra in your daily lives. It need not take up much time. No need to put hours into it. Use it as a matter of course. Allow it to flow into your consciousness. Allow your voice to speak it. It is better spoken out loud and with intent because, saying it to yourself, although it has an effect on your physical body, your four body system and what can be termed your Spiritual Body, you are not having an effect on everything that surrounds you. So when you think about how much Service you can do for creation just by chanting your Mantras out loud (because the business end of the mantra is the vibration of the Mantra) so you will be affecting everything around you. So when you get into these situations, as well as using the Protection of the Pillar of Light of Archangel Michael. use these Silver Violet Mantras. They will help to bring nice high vibration Energies into your space.
Any questions? A deep heartfelt 'thank you' to all from …. There's no need to thank us, that's our job. We accept your thanks with Love but all the time, there is no need to thank us because we are giving you Service from the heart with unconditional Love. It is because we love you, we give you the Service. I do take your acknowledgement and accept your Love, thank you.
So again, I say to you that you can use this Mantra out loud but also you can meditate with this Mantra, which will trigger your mind into meditation. Then meditate on this Silver Violet Flame.
I have now with me, some helpers to help put the Vibrations and energy of this Silver Violet Flame into your working space and now you have chanted a couple of rounds of this Mantra, some of you if not all of you, must be seeing this Silver Violet energy that is building up within the space. We are putting it too into this small Stargate and spreading it into the room. So, just take some time to think about this Mantra. Ground it within your bodies and your consciousness and bathe yourselves with the lovely Vibrations of It You must all now be feeling in your physical bodies, this Raising of Vibrations. This is a reasonably Energetic day on many levels so of course on the second day, many are feeling the results of that. Many feeling somewhat disorientated, feeling somewhat tired but you see, there IS a heightening of Vibrations here. So, use this in your daily lives, use It to transmute situations that are undesirable to you. You can also as well, leave this Violet Flame behind you wherever you go. You can bring down the Fire and install It in many Places. Install it in the streets of your towns, on the rads of your Island, in the energy Points of your Island. It will be there then for the transmutation of all, not only of the human but the animals, the birds. Work with these instructions. We Love you.
Channeled by :JOHN ARMITAGE
From the God – Goddess of my being
I give thanks for the Love that I AM.
I give thanks for the Love in my life
and for the Love that surrounds me.
Thank you!
Thank you for the miracle of life that I AM
and for the miracle of life that I see all around me.
Thank you for the gift of life.
Thank you for my perfect body,
my health and vitality.
Thank you!
Thank you for the abundance that I AM
and the abundance that I see
reflected all about me.
Thank you for the riches
and the richness of my life,
and thank you for the river
of money that flows to me.
Thank you!
Thank you for the excitement and the adventure
of the millions of wondrous
possibilities and probabilities.
Thank You!
Thank you for the beauty and the harmony.
Thank you for the peace and tranquility.
Thank you for the wonderment
and thank you for the joy.
Thank you for the laughter and the play.
And thank you for the privilege of serving
and sharing the gift that I AM.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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