Who are these beings that are talked about as the Ascended Masters, these beings that have taken their ascension? They are a group of beings, some terrestrial, some extra-terrestrial, who have already completed their ascension process. The ascension process is a process of integrating the Lightbody, or the body of Light, into the body physical. It is not a question of accelerating your cellular structure until you become light, because if you do that, you will spontaneously explode. The idea is to facilitate the grounding of your Lightbody by expanding your cellular structure to hold Light. Of course this can be done with crystals, and this is what is really happening when we work as healing facilitators. This idea of healing is not only to become fit and balanced within the emotional and physical bodies, but to become fit and balanced multi- dimensionally, between the I Am Presence and the physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. So the integration of Light into the physical body is actually extremely important. The Ascended Masters have achieved this multi-dimensionality.
Many people are confused by the term 'Ascended Master'. Firstly, this term 'Master' does not imply any hierarchical system. The term simply implies that the One given the title has achieved self-mastery. This achievement of self-mastery means that it is possible to move through numerous dimensions in conscious states, being aware of the changes whilst fully conscious.
The Ascended Masters, as individuals, no longer exist. They are now a collective consciousness of Light. The place where this collective consciousness exists is in the etheric realms, in a place that is known as Shamballa. Hence, esoterically they are known as the Lords and Ladies of Shamballa. The energy of the consciousness of the Masters is a diamond that reflects the Light of God.
Each individual facet of this diamond reflects an individual energy of an individual Master. So these Masters are terrestrial and extra-terrestrial. They have a wide divergence of skills, but their greatest common skill is transmitting the energy of Unconditional Love and Compassion. They can help you to bring Love and Compassion into your life, and they can help you bring this into the lives of others also.
The Ascended Master known as Germain, or St Germain, was the inventor of the Reiki system. In other lifetimes, he was also Merlin the Magician, and Francis Bacon, son of Elizabeth I, and the true writer, some think, of Shakespeare's plays.
Another of the Ascended Masters, Kuthumi, was also St Francis of Assisi in a previous incarnation. He was also Shah Jehan, builder of the Taj Mahal. Many of these ascended beings that we work with are very traceable throughout history, many within the last 100 to 800 years. These beings are very easily channeled. I, personally, have some favorites that I work with. These energies are known as Kuthumi, Mother Mary, Wotana, Kwan Yin, Germain, Djwhal Khul, Vywamus, Merlin and Arthur. I suggest that for further information about the Ascended Masters, both as individuals and collectively, you read any of Joshua Stones works, in particular; The Complete Ascension Manual and The Ascended Masters Light the Way. This will give you a further insight into the energies of the Ascended Masters, and just how much these energies can do for us, and for others, in our daily lives.
The Ascended Masters also have a Masters Medical Assistance Program. I actually call these the MAP teams. You can have a personal MAP team for your own healing, or you can have a MAP team which will work with you in all your healing sessions. If you initiate a MAP team for your professional work, then the same team will work with you every time that you work. On this team will be various beings, or energies, that have skills that you require and that relate to the methods of healing that you use. On these MAP teams are also beings or devas known as the Overlighting Beings of Healing. The devas are in charge of the manifestation of everything upon our planet, and they are also responsible for the healing of all third dimensional entities. There are devas that relate to trees, plants, animals and birds, even devas that relate to places. One of these Overlighting Devas is also known as Pan. When we talk about Pan, most people think of a Greek God, but in fact Pan is a great way of summing up the universal energy in the third dimension. The Ascended Master in charge of these MAP healing teams, and the MAP healing program, both on a personal and professional basis, is a being known as Lorpuris. Machaelle Small Wright, a lady in America, has done a great deal of work in helping to set up this system with the Ascended Masters.
If you require a personal MAP healing session, then make the following affirmation: "I affirm that I would like to initiate a MAP healing session. I call upon the Overlighting Devas of Healing, Pan, the MAP healing team, (here also name any personal Ascended Masters that you may wish to work with) and my I Am Presence or Higher Self.” Then confirm that you wish the session to last for exactly sixty minutes earth time, (higher dimensions have no concept of time as we know it). Don't cross your feet or your hands, or put your arms over your body during a session, as this will interfere with the clear flow of energies.
During the first session, tell them about any health issues that you need to address. or the type of health or emotional issues that are causing you the most problems personally. You may, or may not, have direct communication from the team during your first session, but certainly you will feel the energies moving through your body. You might see colors, shapes, feel tingling sensations etc. You can always discuss with the team any problems or effects that you are experiencing, and they will respond accordingly. Don't ask for a MAP session more than once in every twenty-four hours. Allow this space of time for the energies to settle in, as this is a very powerful technique. One of the best times to initiate a session is when you are lying down, maybe in bed in the morning when you wake up, or at night just before you fall asleep.
If you wish to work with the MAP team in a professional capacity, then affirm that you would like a professional MAP healing team assigned to you for your healing work, and then every time that you conduct a healing session, affirm that you would like the presence of your team. Ask them for a code name, which could be any thing from 'Coca Cola' to the 'Holy Healing Team'. Don't imagine that because it is not a holy sounding name, that it is not a reverent one. To initially set up your Professional MAP healing team, first of all initiate a personal healing session, then ask for the code name during that session.
Whatever name is given to you. then that's the one to use. By having this code name it will make many, that still have fear issues to be addressed concerning channeling and working with subtle energies, feel easier. If you wish to go further into this whole fascinating field of work I suggest reading Machaelle Small Wright's book MAP, the Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program.
Lastly, we would like to give a word of warning about working with any of the contents of this book. After reading this book, some people might be encouraged to think that now they have seen the Reiki Symbols, it is no longer necessary for them to attend a Reiki class. In fact this is not true. The symbols will not work for you until you have been attuned to them. Having a knowledge of the symbols by themselves. without the attunements, does not mean that you have Reiki. We would also like to remind you that crystals are very powerful tools, and that they can create imbalances as well as heal them, if they are used in an uncontrolled way. Crystals are co-creators, they will help to create anything that you want. Make sure that you are clear about what it is that you really want, and not what you think you want. Remember. you get what you ask for? So co-create a reality of Love and Light, and go forward in this Love and Light. Help the earth and humanity to come into their wholeness. Through your Love and though your service others will also realize that the way forward is through Service in Compassion and Love. Walk in Love, walk in Light, allow the energy of Mahatma to flow through your heart, and speed your journey to Freedom.