'Αρθρα και συζητήσεις: 'Εσωτερικές Σχολές και Μυητικά Συστήματα > ΡΕΙΚΙ
Σαμπάλα Ρέικι - 1ος Βαθμός
Mrs. Takata and Dr. Usui
I am Mrs. Takata. My sisters and brothers, it is my personal honor to further welcome you to the family of Reiki. I would like to inform you that myself and Sai Baba, are the beings, the energies, that have attuned you during this attunement session.
Many of you wonder who I am. I am Takata. I am the energy of that lady that is responsible for bringing forward the tradition that our wonderful teacher and friend, Dr Usui, gave us. Some of you would wonder why I would be present at what could be called an unconventional Reiki training course. I am present, brothers and sisters, because I am very excited to see things move forward.
I have been portrayed as that stern lady who insisted that everything was done in a methodical and planned way. It is true, I trained some of my early Reiki asters this way, but a number of the later Masters that I trained were taught very differently. They did not, of course, pass on the unconventional aspects of what I taught them, because in those days most people thought that it was necessary to stick to tradition, not only the tradition of Reiki, as taught and re-discovered by Dr Usui, but all traditions. Now is the time when myself, Quan Yin, Dr. Usui, Germain, Wotanna, Djwhal Khul, and others of the Ascended Lords and Ladies of Shamballa, are working collectively to move these philosophies forward, so that they truly may take their place in this Golden Age of Light that is rapidly approaching on this Earth of yours. Things are changing very quickly, and many, many, many healing facilitators are required in a very short time. Things are speeding up and you must speed up with them.
Speed up the awakening and enlightening of your brothers and sisters of all creeds, all colors, all countries. I leave you with my love. I leave you with my blessings, and I congratulate you all in taking this greatest step forward. Bless You.
I am Usui, welcome. Welcome all of you to the next level of Reiki, to the next level of energy. You will find now that your capacity to facilitate has been accelerated. You will remember that this morning there were questions as to whether I really did exist. I exist, because I am channeling through this one. I existed in the third dimension. I existed as a being of Light, a being of Love, that came to teach love.
Reiki is Love. I came not to teach methods of control, methods of teaching that forced one to adhere to a rigid form. I came to teach about love. I came to teach about compassion. It was not I that formed a system of control; it was ones that came after me. I do not judge them, for at the time they thought that they were doing things for the best. That was then, and the times are now very different.
So because the times are different, Germain, myself and others, are incarnating the accelerated system, not only through this one, but through many others. And as that great, dear soul, Mrs. Takata, told you yesterday, now is the time that many, many healing facilitators are required upon this beautiful planet of yours. Do you all understand the meaning of that term?
Go out, speak about what you know. Use what you know for the furtherance of the energy of love; for the furtherance of the energy of light. And when ones that have not heard of Reiki ask you; "What is this Reiki?" the only thing you need to reply is; "Reiki is Love." There is no need to tell them, those that have not been attuned, and had any information passed on to them, there is no need to go into; "This is a system of symbolism. We use these symbols, you do this, you do that.” There is no need for them to know this. It is not secrecy, but I would ask you not to confuse them; not to send them into rigid patterns of thinking.
Reiki is love; love is wholeness; wholeness is balance; balance is well-being, freedom from dis-ease. Remember these words. You can sum up Reiki with them. Colleagues, for that is what you are, you are not students, you are not trainees, you are not below me, you are not below this one that I am channeling through; realize that you are colleagues, that you are all Masters in your own right. If you weren't Masters in your own right, why would you be here? There would be no reason for you to be here. Walk forward in love, walk forward in light, speak of that light, and spread that light through your hearts, spread that light through your hands, spread that light through your feet, and spread that light through your eyes. I bless you all, and again I say to you, welcome home to the Family. Bless you.
It is I, Takata. I am here again to briefly address you on the subject of Reiki. I would like you all to know that most beings upon this planet had Reiki before. Many ones understand the meaning of this word, the meaning of this energy. Again, I will compound what the dear Doctor has just told you. You have now returned home. You have now returned home to love, compassion and light. Remember this short sentence, because contained within it is all you need to know. Bless You. You may now start to return yourselves to your normal consciousness. Of course, you should by now know that you will never be "normal" again! I leave you.
The above channeling was received through John Armitage during a Shamballa Reiki I & II workshop held at Bangor on 13-14 July1996.
What is Shamballa?
Reiki was a system that was devised in ancient Atlantis. It was created by a high priest at the Temple of Healing, who is now known as the Ascended Master St Germain. This priest took himself away from the central temples at Atlantis, and journeyed to the far mountains of Atlantis creating his own tribe, or clan, of Atlanteans called the Inspirers. The Inspirers disconnected themselves from the mainland Atlantean dwellers. They sought to find a technique and way to equalize the spiritual development of all Atlanteans, in order to abolish and banish race differences which were judged by the psychical and spiritual progression of the Atlantean race. Many of the Atlanteans who were considered spiritually and psychically backwards were used as slaves by the priests and priestesses and the Royal families of the Atlantean Island. St Germain in that lifetime was given a number of symbols which could be projected directly into the energy system of an individual, and which would raise their vibration to a sufficient level where they would transcend their present spiritual handicap and be equals amongst the Atlanteans. He was given twenty-two symbols, a Master number. When Atlantis was destroyed St Germain journeyed with several of his fellow brothers to ancient Tibet. They tried in this place to continue this practice of raising spiritual consciousness. In order to see how this practice would ensue they gave three symbols to a number of individuals who were in close proximity to the Atlantean landing. Many of them used the symbols and the spiritual evolution that they brought well. Others however used this power in a dark negative and baneful way. They perverted and contorted the symbols, transforming and changing them. St. Germain and the Inspirers decided at this time not to give the full twenty-two symbols to any individuals, in order to keep the full power that they thought would corrupt these individuals minds from their grasp. The Reiki system as it is practiced today is an incomplete system. It is a system which comprises of many symbols, some which are directly drawn from the Akashic records and have been given to mankind by St Germain, but some which have been invented, created and draw upon a different type of energy. It is now being made known by St. Germain that there are 352 Symbols in the complete Shamballa System which correspond to the 352 Levels/Initiations back to the Source of this Cosmic Day. For As Above, So Below.
The above information was recently revealed to Dr. John Armitage by the Collective Consciousness of the Lords and Ladies of Shamballa (the Ascended Masters).
The Shamballa Multi-dimensional Healing Techniques are more than just another healing modality. With anchoring these higher levels of energy, rapid expansion of your consciousness occurs. Masters of the Shamballa System are also given the opportunity for additional initiations which anchor the energies of the 12 dimensions of Shamballa for this creation which will increase the amount of healing energies you can channel to help bring all back into wholeness.
What is Shamballa Reiki?
Shamballa is sacred community. It is a way of perceiving, living and being, based on the understanding of the interconnectedness that is life. Although it is taught as a form of hands-on healing, it is actually much more than that. It is healing for the Soul and community. Healing is defined here as realizing your wholeness, your Soul/Divine/Enlightened Self. In the process, many people find healing of body/mind/emotions.
What makes Shamballa so powerful is its blend of energies. It combines the energies of Reiki with those of:
Mahatma (for living your Divinity/Enlightenment),
Christ Consciousness (unconditional love), and
Ascended Masters (integrating your multi-dimensional aspects).
If you are on a spiritual path, wish to develop your intuition, or are interested in lightwork/planetary service, Shamballa is a wonderful tool to facilitate the process. Since it is taught as a hands-on form of energy healing, it allows a person to feel and know the process from direct experience. This adds a depth and richness to the reading and study of community and wholeness. With Shamballa you get to feel it and be it.
As a tool for personal empowerment, the intent is for Shamballa to be passed on by instruction to as many people as possible so that we may form community and wholeness together from the Oneheart. Therefore it is designed to be easy to learn and to use. Even young children can learn Shamballa. And Shamballa healing sessions can be offered to other people, animals, and the Earth. A complete session usually takes only a few minutes. You can easily offer Shamballa to friends and family even if they are not interested in spiritual growth. It is an excellent healing energy for a range of health issues, physical and emotional. Plus it can be helpful for stress reduction, releasing addictions and getting a good night's sleep.
In this packet of information are details about Reiki and how it started as well as a history of Shamballa. That information was channeled by Hari Das Melchizedek, the channel who brought through the Shamballa information, from St. Germain. I have left this material as I received it so that you have the full picture of Shamballa and how it relates to Reiki. Some people think of Shamballa as Reiki, others prefer to think of it as Multi-Dimensional Healing. You will hear some people call it the "next step in Reiki." This refers, I think, to the fact that Shamballa is focused on helping us use our light that comes from an awareness of who we truly are, and weave together a community of unconditional love, one person at a time. You are a very powerful healer!
Is Shamballa Reiki or is it not?
The answer to this would depend on who you ask. Some will say that any form of healing that works with Universal Life Force energy is Reiki, some will say that Shamballa is different. Some will call it Shamballa Reiki, some Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing. I will tell you more about Shamballa and let you decide for yourself.
Shamballa is a blend of several different types of energy:
1. Universal Life Force (Reiki) energy is the energy that runs through all beings, including the "objects" all around you. It is the energy that creates and gives life and this includes "objects" since they are made of this energy as well. Everyone and everything is made up of this energy. It is love energy. Love is the fuel.
2. Mahatma Energy is also known as the I AM presence. It is the awareness of the Self, as the Source. This does not mean that you are disconnected from everyone else, as a matter of fact it is saying that the key to Oneness is inside of you. It is a recognition of who you truly are, your Wholeness. This is one of the most powerful energies of Pure Unconditional Love. It is said that this is a new energy for humankind available since the harmonic convergence to bring to Earth a new way of being. When you reach inside yourself and find the Wholeness, the Oneness, you realize that everyone else is a part of you. And you are a part of everyone and everything else. All is One.
3. The energy of the Ascended Masters. Ascended Masters are beings who have completed their reincarnational cycles and now exist in spirit form as teachers of humanity. Their purpose is to assist others in their spiritual evolution and the evolution of the planet as a whole.
What is meant by multi-dimensional?
Shamballa is referred to as multi-dimensional because it focuses on Wholeness. We all have various aspects of ourselves that as we work with Shamballa, come up for us to work through as we so choose. Some of these are familiar such as physical pain we have been carrying around for a long time. Other times things may come up and we do not know why they are happening. We do not know why we have such a hard time letting go of a relationship that is not working. We feel so drawn to someone or a way of being that is hurting us and we cannot understand why, after we have done so much healing, it is not helping. This is when many of us start to look for help, for answers and discover via synchronicities whole new ways of looking at things, whole new understandings.
We discover a world that we did not know existed before. We start to understand and deeply feel that the synchronicities mean all life is connected. This gives us new understandings of still more parts of ourselves and others that need love, healing and integration. If you think about the idea of Ascension as becoming whole, then Shamballa Multi-dimensional healing helps us to love, heal and integrate all of who we are. Individually and collectively. New understanding opens up new ways of being including past lives, intuitive development, energetic connections, working with guides, angels and helpers who you loved and who passed over, etc. A deeply felt love of Mother Earth and a sense of partnership opens. While this is not the experience for everyone, it is true of many people who work with healing energies. Shamballa is called multi-dimensional because Wholeness includes healing all of ourselves. All is One.
Many people call Shamballa the next step in Reiki. This is not intended, I think, to mean that Shamballa is better than any other Reiki lineage. What it means is that Shamballa is a blend of energies that allow a focus on healing via the interconnectedness of all life, starting with yourself. Because of the Shamballa energies, healing the planet and all life can be done with self healing. You will still find many of the healing successes that happen with other Reiki lineages, but the focus of Shamballa is planetary healing via personal healing.
You may wonder if this is the case, then why is it taught as hands on healing. I choose to teach it that way because many people are looking for a tactile, common sense way to heal and offer themselves in service to the Oneness. Teaching this as a form of Reiki makes sense because there is no need for years of study. Instead of reading about spiritual development, Shamballa helps you to live it and be it. It helps you to do this in just a few minutes of healing a day and it helps, via the multi-dimensional aspect, to integrate the fear and other personality issues that come up as you open spiritually.
Shamballa Reiki is a system of living taught as energy healing.
Suggested Reading
Reiki, Universal Life Energy, by Bodo J. Baginski and Shalila Sharamon
Essential Reiki, A Complete Guide To An Ancient Healing Art, by Diane Stein
Causes of Disease:
Louise Hay
An Ascension Handbook, by Tony Stubbs
What is Lightbody? Archangel Ariel Channeled by Tashira Tachi-ren
A Beginner’s Guide to the Path of Ascension, by Dr. Joshua David Stone
The Complete Ascension Manual, by Dr. Joshua David Stone
Beyond Ascension, by Dr. Joshua David Stone
The Ascended Masters Light the Way, by Dr. Joshua David Stone
Hidden Mysteries, by Dr. Joshua David Stone
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